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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Publication criteria

The journal Cultura Científica publishes editorials, scientific and technological research articles, reflections derived from research and reviews of unpublished and original character in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The characteristics of these documents are the following:

  1. Scientific and technological research article. A document that presents in detail the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  2. Reflection article. A document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  3. Review article. Document resulting from a research, in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report on the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

The publication of other types of texts will be evaluated by the Internal Advisory Committee of the journal; the author will be notified by e-mail about the final decision of the publication proposal.

The author is solely responsible to the journal Cultura Científica and to the reader for the truthfulness and honesty of the content of his/her work. It is therefore recommended to always give the corresponding credits to the work of others. In case of intellectual plagiarism or damage of any kind, the journal Cultura Científica and the publishing institution will not assume any responsibility in this regard. In the event that any publication incurs in partial or total plagiarism, the author will be sanctioned in accordance with current legislation on copyright. 

 2. Structure of the article 

  • About the submission 

Authors interested in publishing in the journal Cultura Científica should send a copy of the article in magnetic media in .doc, .docx, .rtf format to the following e-mail address: Versions sent in .pdf will not be considered. The file should not contain personal information or any other information that could reveal the author's identity. It is recommended to write a message to the Editorial Committee informing about the article application; in the signature of the mail, it is suggested to include a brief academic profile, as well as relevant information about the financing of the research project from which the article is derived. 

  • Formal Aspects 

Articles should be submitted on letter size paper, single spaced, with all margins of 2.54 cm (one inch), in Times New Roman 12 point font, in a single column; the total length should not exceed 25 pages including references. The proposed document should be sent as a digital file (standard format: .rtf, .doc, .odf) through the e-mail

In all cases it is suggested to make proper use of upper and lower case in titles and subtitles, as appropriate. To show hierarchy it is suggested to use numbering and boldface in titles. For emphasis, italics should be used. Pages should not be numbered. It is recommended to use the APA 7th Edition citation system. Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese are accepted.

If abbreviations are used, they should be explained only the first time they appear in the text. In the case of scientific names, use international standards and highlight them with italics. When technical terms or words only significant for the scientific field in question are used, clarify their meaning immediately and in a simple manner. 

Tables and figures should be included only in those cases in which their presentation is strictly necessary for the understanding of the text and should be placed as close as possible to the place where they are mentioned, duly numbered and cited in the text. Avoid placing them as annexes. Keep in mind that these elements are used to explain, illustrate, clarify or support specific aspects of the argumentation. Therefore, they should be mentioned in the text. In both cases, the initial capital letter should not be used. It is recommended to use one of the following forms:

Parenthetical mention:

Audiovisual resources are used to convey content (Figure 1).

The results obtained are not conclusive (table 1).

Text-integrated mention:

Figure 1 shows the distribution of memory locations in the Americas.

Table 1 presents the values obtained.

  • Tables

The title of each table should be placed at the top. The title should be clear and concise.

Table X. Title

Source: own elaboration. 

Composite tables should be marked with letters (Table Xa), (Table Xb). They should be sent in an editable file attached with the original data.

  • Figures

All illustrations, including photos, maps, diagrams, drawings, diagrams and graphs, should be named and referenced as figures. Authors must ensure that the illustrations in the text have the necessary permissions, without conflicts with copyright issues, to reproduce them. Images created by the author do not require permission to reproduce them, therefore, it is recommended that they be accompanied by the following caption:

Figure 1. caption

Source: author's own elaboration.

Third party images require permission or license for reproduction. It is recommended to attach the format License for use of graphic material when necessary. Public domain images do not require any type of license. It is recommended, in any case, to include the correct citation. If an image is divided into several parts, it will have only one figure number and its parts will be identified by letters. It will have only one caption.

All illustrations must have a quality higher than 300 dpi and must be included in the file submitted for evaluation. Additionally, they must be sent in a separate folder titled according to the order of appearance in the text in TIFF or JPG format. Images that do not meet these requirements should be replaced or omitted. It is suggested to use only black and white diagrams. Only in exceptional cases will the relevance of color figures or diagrams be evaluated.

  • Sequence of the document


The title should reflect the content of the paper. It should be as concise as possible, it is recommended that it does not exceed 20 words. It should be in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


It should consist of a single paragraph no longer than 250 words. This section should include the objective of the article, methodology used, results and conclusions. The abstract should not contain bibliographic citations, figures, tables or footnotes. It should be in Spanish, English and Portuguese. 

Key words

Maximum 5, separated by semicolon. Must be in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


The background information that supports the purpose of the article should be presented, without an extensive discussion of the subject, using only the pertinent references and avoiding citing several references for the same subject. It is necessary to indicate the postulated hypothesis and the objectives of the research.

Materials and methods  

The place where the study was carried out and the time it was conducted should be mentioned. Only the information necessary for the work to be reproducible should be presented, emphasizing the original methods or important modifications to known techniques or equipment, duly referenced. The analytical and statistical procedures should be clearly described, and the programs and versions used should be indicated.


They should be limited to the data obtained and presented in a logical sequence, objective, accurate and easy to understand and interpret the most relevant trends of the work, it is suggested to present the data in an organized manner. 


The author's analysis or interpretation of the results obtained in the research should be presented in a rigorous manner. The results of the literature should be integrated and contrasted with those of the research to provide the reader with a broad basis on which to accept or reject the hypotheses proposed. The data mentioned in the results section should not be repeated. It is necessary to include an analysis of the implications of the findings, their limitations and their projections for future research.


It is suggested to include the consequences of your work according to the objective stated in the article. 


In this section include: persons (omit professional titles), groups, entities that financially or logistically supported the study and number of the project financed (as appropriate). 


The citation and reference system adopted by the journal Cultura Científica is that of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition. In this system, references are made in the body of the text noting the author's last name followed by the year of publication in parentheses and, in textual citations, in addition to the above data, the pages consulted. If more than one work by the same author of the same year is cited, a letter should be added to identify which one is being referred to. All bibliographic references must have DOI.

The list of references should be presented in alphabetical order and with French indentation, according to the following examples:

Journal articles retrieved from the Internet.

Last name, A.A. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, Volume(Number), pp.-pp.

Giraldo-Hoyos, J. (2019). "He who sells land, eats land": changes and continuities in the haciendas of the Amaime river basin, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 19th century. Perspectiva Geográfica, 24(2).


Last name, A.A. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. 

Anderson, B. (1983). Comunidades imaginarias. Reflexiones sobre el origen y la difusión del nacionalismo. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Book chapter

Surname, A.A. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A.A. Apellido (Coord.), Title of the book (pp. - pp.). Editorial.

Cuesta Bustillo, J. (1998). Memory and history. A state of the question. In J. Cuesta Bustillo (Ed.), Memoria e historia (pp. 203-246). Marcial Pons.

For undergraduate papers, monographs, research papers and theses.

Last name, A.A. (Year). Title of the thesis (bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis). Institution, City.

Antequera, J. D. (2011). Historical memory as emblematic narrative. Considerations in the midst of the emergence of memory policies in Colombia (Master's thesis). Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota. 

3. Evaluation process

The editorial coordination of the journal Cultura Científica will acknowledge receipt of the papers within twenty working days from the date of receipt. The Editorial Committee of the journal may reject the publication of an article if it is determined that it does not comply with academic and quality standards, if it is proven that it has already been published partially or totally, or if it does not comply with the guidelines for authors indicated in the journal. The Turnitin system is used as an anti-plagiarism system. The percentage of similarity accepted is less than or equal to 25%.

  • Confidentiality

The evaluation process of the journal will be carried out under the conditions of "double blind" arbitration. The journal reserves all data of authors and reviewers, and the details and results of the process will be revealed only to those directly involved through the evaluation form sent for this purpose (authors, reviewers and editorial board).

  • Evaluation times

The coordination of the journal will inform the authors of the date on which the arbitration process begins; a minimum period of six (6) months will elapse between the start date and the reception of the evaluations. However, this period may vary depending on the availability of academic peers. It should be noted that peer reviewers do not receive financial remuneration; however, in recognition of their work, a certificate is sent and their participation in the journal is acknowledged.

  • Correction of articles

The coordination of the journal will inform the authors of the evaluation concepts by the academic peers. In this sense, the elements to be taken into account based on the type of response are listed below:

  1. Approved without corrections: the coordination of the journal will send to the author, by official communication, the acceptance of the article, and will inform the procedure to follow for the publication process.
  2. Approved with the commitment to make corrections: the coordination of the journal will send to the author, through official communication, the suggestions and corrections made by the peer reviewers. The author will have ten (10) working days to improve the article and must resend it to start the publication process.
  3. Rejected: the journal Cultura Científica is a means of dissemination that seeks to contribute to the consolidation of scientific publications, therefore if an article is negatively evaluated, the author will be informed of the respective suggestions and corrections, if the author wishes to make adjustments and resubmit it, in order to be published in future issues, in this sense, will have a period of three (3) months to restate it and send it again to start the evaluation process.

4. Author's rights

The author is the only person responsible, before the magazine and the reader, for the truthfulness and honesty of the content of his/her work. Therefore, it is recommended to always give the corresponding credits to the work of others. In case of intellectual plagiarism or damage of any kind, the journal Cultura Científica will not assume any responsibility in this regard. In the event that any publication incurs in partial or total plagiarism, the author will be sanctioned according to the decision of the Editorial Committee.

Copyright notice: once the article complies with all the characteristics for publication, the coordination sends the author the copyright notice in order to transfer the rights to the journal Cultura Científica of the Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos; also, in order to confirm that the article does not have text whose publication violates copyright. The author must send it within a maximum period of two (2) days to the official contact e-mail

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.