In order to study the growth of grape fruit (Vitis vinifera L.) cv 'Sauvignon blanc' in high tropic Colombian conditions, we selected the vineyard of the Márquez de Villa de Leyva, located in the municipality of Sutamarchan- Boyacá , Ain Karim farm, in wh


  • Elberth Hernando Pinzón Sandoval Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc
  • Ignacio Arias Burgos Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc
  • German Eduardo Cely Reyes Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc


Deciduous, viticulture, growth rates, Altitude, logistic model.


In order to study the growth of grape fruit (Vitis vinifera L.) cv 'Sauvignon blanc' in high tropic Colombian conditions, we selected the vineyard of the Márquez de Villa de Leyva, located in the municipality of Sutamarchan- Boyacá , Ain Karim farm, in which 64 plants of 12 years of age were randomly selected. At 30 days after anthesis (dda), some samples were taken every 8 days, until they get physiological maturity. The variables evaluated were: fresh and dry mass of pulp and seed, and Absolute Growth Rate (AGR) and Relative Growth Rate (RGR), with the data obtained a descriptive analysis was carried out, determining the average and the standard error at each sampling point. The variables were analyzed regarding the chronological time, in order to determine the mathematical model more suitable for each of them. The growth rates were determined over functional analysis through the logistic model. It was observed that the growth of the crop, quantified through the dry mass, showed a sigmoid type behavior with a period of growth of 110 dda, the AGR and RGR were adjusted to the own fruit behavior with a sigmoid growth. The planning of cultivation tasks such as thinning, fertilization and emphasis on the irrigation supply, should be made based on the growth behavior of the fruit, in order to take advantage of the genetic potential of the cultivars, as well as the environmental conditions, favoring the Producers of grapes destined for wine in zones of high Colombian tropic.

Author Biographies

Elberth Hernando Pinzón Sandoval, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc

M.Sc. Fisiología Vegetal. Grupo de Investigaciones Agrícolas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Ignacio Arias Burgos, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc

M.Sc (c). Ciencias Agrarias. Maestría en Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

German Eduardo Cely Reyes, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc

M.Sc. Ciencias Agrarias. Facultad Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


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How to Cite

Pinzón Sandoval, E. H., Arias Burgos, I., & Cely Reyes, G. E. (2017). In order to study the growth of grape fruit (Vitis vinifera L.) cv ’Sauvignon blanc’ in high tropic Colombian conditions, we selected the vineyard of the Márquez de Villa de Leyva, located in the municipality of Sutamarchan- Boyacá , Ain Karim farm, in wh. Cultura científica, (15), 106–114. Retrieved from


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