Chicamocha: High Altitude Wine River


  • Marco Quijano Rico Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


In 1982 started at the Puntalarga Hill our Sun Valley's (Valle del Sol) quality wine growing project. Vineyards are situated in the great highland at altitudes between 2400 and 2600 meters a.s.l, on suitable sloping land soils, under enough sunshine, daytime heating, nighttime cooling and water deficit, wich are necessary conditions for producing premium wine grapes. Since the nineties viticultural extension is under way in several places. It seems that the Chicamocha river exercises on the viticultural extension pattern some kind of effects, comparable to those attributed to other wine rivers. Most representative rivers of the traditional habitat of regional grown grapevines, white Riesling and Pinot noir, are the Rhine in Germany and the Saone in France. The geographical viticulture extension pattern follows the Chicamocha river course direction. It practically extends over the distribution pattern of pre-hispanish population spots under Sogamoso's religious center influence before 1537. Descendant's distribution pattern of colonial time introduced Mission's grapevines shows a similar behavior. These phenomena could possibly be related to the regional geological history, particularly of the Chicamocha river. Understanding the mentioned phenomena could deliver valuable clues on the deep background of the regional “terroir” increasing the mystique, established on quality that regional wine already reveals.

Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Ph.D. Científico y viticultor. Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntlarga. Asesor Científico Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2007). Chicamocha: High Altitude Wine River. Cultura científica, (5), 35–43. Retrieved from


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