Preliminary study of species of birds present in the area urban municipality of tunja, boyacá


  • Inés Andrea Sanabria Totaitive Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC
  • Pedro Alexander Sosa Gutiérrez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC



Birds, Specific wealth, Urban biodiversity, Migratory birds, Endemic


The results of the work of observation and characterization of resident, migratory and endemic bird species that remain and transit in the urban area of the municipality of Tunja in the department of Boyacá, for four years are presented. Initially, an introduction is made where the birds are attributed significant importance in the conservation of ecosystems, highlighting their ecological niche.

Likewise, the methodological model with which the research is developed is described, called direct observation through counting points, which contemplates the selection of the sampling sites in different surrounding or bordering places to the rivers, parks and green areas. Highlights the use of the reliability analysis tool of the information collected through species accumulation curves, determines the specific richness and abundance of the species found. According to the results, the description of 68 species of birds present in the urban area is reported and in particular two cases are characterized, the first, related to the lark species (Eremophila alpestris) and the Chamon (Molothrus bonarensis). Regarding the first, six individuals are reported in an area where they were considered extinct due to the disappearance of their habitat; in the second, they warn about the parasitic relationship established by the chamois with the copetón (Zonotrichia capensis). Finally, there is evidence of the need to create a conservation program for the habitats of the bird species that were identified.

Author Biographies

Inés Andrea Sanabria Totaitive, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC

Magister en Educación Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Tunja, Colombia)


Pedro Alexander Sosa Gutiérrez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC

Magister en Educación Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Tunja, Colombia)



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How to Cite

Sanabria Totaitive, I. A., & Sosa Gutiérrez, P. A. (2018). Preliminary study of species of birds present in the area urban municipality of tunja, boyacá. Cultura científica, (16), 34–51.


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