Unique day, frontage of a supposed educational quality


  • Ednna Milena Vega Bolívar Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia




educational quality, unique day, standardized tests


This article emerges from the research titled “Is Unique Day a synonym for educational quality?” which seeks to observe the impact this program generates in a public educational institution in relation to educational quality. Hence, the objective is to analyze itself taking into account different sources, such as teachers, students, executives, test results, and institutional documents. By collecting both qualitative and quantitative data, the research is developed through a mixed approach with qualitative relevance. The results obtained through this research lead us to point out that extending students’ stay in the institution is not conducive to any improvement in the quality of education intended by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is concluded that the Ministry of Education relapses for a long time in the wrong evaluation of educational quality based on the results of tests, and from there programs are generated focused on improving academic performance, since a diagnosis or research that supports the application of these programs is not taken into account, which is why they have been implemented experimentally.

Author Biography

Ednna Milena Vega Bolívar, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Lic. en Educación Preescolar. Maestranda en Educación, modalidad profundización


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How to Cite

Vega Bolívar, E. M. (2019). Unique day, frontage of a supposed educational quality. Cultura científica, (17), 80–90. https://doi.org/10.38017/1657463X.595


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