Arts: a look at school creativity




art, creativity, school, education, training


The reflection article explored the possibility that artistic practices have and their impact on the development of creativity. Since the arts and creativity project different views on the development of skills that enhance the divergent thinking of the individual (Goleman, Kaufman & Ray, 2016), the following questions came up: how to promote creativity in school from the use of the image, and what impact does the use of images have on the development of creative thinking in school? This led to the study of the following problem: how do some teachers’ strategies in the area of Arts and Cultural Education encourage creative activity in the school? Some analysis of documentary material related to concepts about art and creativity is carried out, approached from the qualitative-documentary point of view. For this purpose, it was necessary to review and classify documents, as well as record cards, which allowed us to understand the creative action in the subject in its structural part and the development of artistic skills, which allowed us to explore new ways of conceiving art and its appropriation in the promotion of artistic education.

Author Biographies

Sandra Yaneth Chaparro Cardozo, Universidad Santo Tomás

Magíster en educación

Docente. Universidad Santo Tomás (Tunja, Colombia)

Natalia Elizabeth Cañizalez Mesa, Universidad de Boyacá

Magister en educación 

Docente Investigadora. Universidad de Boyacá (Tunja, Colombia)

Franz Alberto Benavides Rozo, Universidad Santo Tomás

Magíster en educación

Docente. Universidad Santo Tomás (Duitama, Colombia)


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How to Cite

Chaparro Cardozo, S. Y., Cañizalez Mesa, N. E., & Benavides Rozo, F. A. (2019). Arts: a look at school creativity. Cultura científica, (17), 138–155.


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