Strengthening of active listening through the inverted classroom in a basic education institution in the city of Barranquilla


  • Erica Paola Tejedor Fuentes Universidad del Atlántico



Flipped classroom, didactics, active listening, society, teamwork


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the inverted classroom can be used as a tool to promote the strengthening of active listening. This work is part of applied research that was carried out in an educational institution in Barranquilla. The sample consisted of ten students, where three of them present special educational needs (SEN). A methodology was applied from the socio-critical paradigm, qualitative research, and the research-action approach. In turn, it was necessary to deploy five phases: ​​observation, diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. The results obtained after applying the last workshop of the designed pedagogical proposal showed, that nine of the students listen to the ideas of others and share their own to carry out work collaboratively; eight of them listen and respond to the ideas of the other without using language or gestures that demean or ridicule them; nine use non-verbal language appropriately, such as looking at people who are part of the audience, maintaining a correct posture when speaking and listening, the appropriate tone of voice to be heard and gestures that indicate that they are actively listening and, only eight, listen and answer the questions asked promptly and without any deviations. Thus, it is concluded that the students made significant progress throughout the development of the proposal. It was demonstrated that the inverted classroom is a great tool to strengthen active listening, and leads to the acquisition of skills such as teamwork.

Author Biography

Erica Paola Tejedor Fuentes, Universidad del Atlántico

Licenciada en Español y Literatura de la Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia


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How to Cite

Tejedor Fuentes, E. P. (2021). Strengthening of active listening through the inverted classroom in a basic education institution in the city of Barranquilla. Cultura científica, 1(19), 105–126.


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