Cognitive slowdown: comparison of the effect of semantic priming in elderly and young people




aging, semantic priming, cognitive slowing


Some researchers believe that patients with Alzheimer's disease have a problem processing concepts specific features. As a result, members of a semantic category, such as lion and tiger, become confused for them, preventing the patient from distinguishing between similar concepts. Some researchers have found that healthy seniors also show this semantic disruption. In order to test this last claim, a semantic priming paradigm was created, both for testing the differences between semantic conditions (lion-TIGRE) and group effect (elderly vs young). Results revealed that both populations experienced priming effects. However, although there were significant differences in the size of the effect (hyperpriming) when the reaction times were examined, these differences vanished when the data were transformed into natural logarithms. These findings support the idea of hyperpriming effect in the elderly could be linked to a lack of methodological control. This evidence supports the need for new perspectives on aging and its impact on cognition.

Author Biography

Alejandro Marín-Gutiérrez, Universidad del Atlántico Medio

Doctor en Neuropsicología Clínica


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How to Cite

Marín-Gutiérrez, A. (2022). Cognitive slowdown: comparison of the effect of semantic priming in elderly and young people. Cultura científica, 1(20).


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