Exploring the use of Kahoot to teach english grammar in higher education





gamification, Kahoot, teaching English grammar


This article shows the results of a study that consisted of the implementation of Kahoot as a gamification tool in an English as a foreign language class in higher education. The objectives of this article are to verify if promoting the teaching of English grammar, in which the use of Kahoot is integrated, contributes to motivating students to learn and to stimulate the study of grammatical contents in higher education, and to know the opinions of the students on the implementation of this gamification tool to teach grammar. The study used a mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) research design in which the participation of the students in the teaching of gamified grammar was observed and a questionnaire was used at the end of the semester. The results show that students highly value the use of Kahoot to review the grammar topics explained in class, as it allows them to review what they have learned in a playful way, apply theory to practice in a dynamic way, and check errors in a gamified way. The main conclusions of the study show that Kahoot stimulates the teaching-learning process, and encourages the motivation and creativity of the students.

Author Biography

María Dolores Martínez Lirola , Universidad de Alicante

Doctora en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Jaén

Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Alicante y

Research Fellow de la University of South Africa (UNISA)


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How to Cite

Martínez Lirola , M. D. (2022). Exploring the use of Kahoot to teach english grammar in higher education. Cultura científica, 1(20). https://doi.org/10.38017/1657463X.797


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