Productive pedagogical projects and family economy derived from the native potato quincha, in the municipality of Soracá, Boyacá, 2022




productivity, peasant, economy, projects


Part of the proposals that stand for a new development plan in Colombia, aims to carry out the objectives established in the Peace Agreement signed in Havana, Cuba, in 2016. In this agreement, which promotes the paradigm of a stable and lasting peace, item number discusses the topic "Towards a New Colombian Countryside: Integral Rural Reform", which, motivated by its bets, seeks to strengthen rural production processes and its integrated mechanisms, oriented towards solidarity, family and peasant economies This research process aims to identify the potential of the municipality, its social and cultural patterns, supported by human capital options. It is also highlighted by a historical framework that reinforces the capabilities of the educational institution "Simon Bolivar", which distinguishes itself annually in its formation through various productive pedagogical projects. Such projects encompass needs and good cognitive business practices, transforming this municipality into a powerhouse of immaterial and gastronomic wealth. The above is considered from a holistic perspective, in an integral and transversal manner, which might be a position without limits to boost a possibility of family and rural economy at a large dimension, while keeping in mind the subjective and intersubjective knowledge acquired. However, in order to integrate a public and cultural policy that recognizes the efforts established in that territory, it becomes a priority to make academic efforts to make visible these rural bets of local-regional nature. This process will be based on a methodology with analytical paradigms, integrated by a qualitative approach and descriptive, hermeneutic and participatory action research typologies.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Bolívar Torres, Secretaría de Educación de Tunja

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales


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How to Cite

Bolívar Torres, E. (2023). Productive pedagogical projects and family economy derived from the native potato quincha, in the municipality of Soracá, Boyacá, 2022. Cultura científica, (21), 1–24.


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Article of scientific and technological research