
  • Magda Yolima Arias Cantor


citizen participation, citizen overseer, social housing beneficiaries, social capital, local development, planning.


This paper describes citizen participation exercised for twelve subsidy beneficiaries of Social Housing (SH) through oversight of two SH construction projects in the Department of Casanare, whose characteristics are based on the generation of benefits such as increasedsocial relations, recognition as a leader and damages mainly in the distorted information management that do not help to build confidence and discourage the involvement ofother people. The lack of planning to develop its activities is evident to set goals for the short, medium and long term geared towards strengthening its internal network, the creation of cooperation networks and thus strengthen social capital and local development. Citizen participation has not only influenced those who exercise it, but has also brought consequences for institutions and the Organization that run the projects by allowing the implementation of activities in a transparent manner, with quality and effectiveness in the management of public resources. Because of the experience gained in its participation, it is relevant the lack of trust in public institutions, but not in the representative, as citizens emphasize his commitment to the community, describing this as sufficient to maintain confidence. So soon, it is evident that the family and in a very basic sense their neighbors are constituted as subjects in whom they can trust some situations, hoping that a norm of reciprocity when they need is met.


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Author Biography

Magda Yolima Arias Cantor

Psicóloga UPTC. Máster en cooperación al desarrollo local Universidad de Valencia. Docente Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte.


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How to Cite

Arias Cantor, M. Y. (2015). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION OF BENEFICIARIES OF SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PROJECTS OF SOCIAL INTEES. Development, Economy and Society, 5(1), 79–97. Retrieved from



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica