
  • Alba Marlén Torres Verdugo


Public finances, radicals, Adam Smith, income, expenses


In the context of economic policy, finance is one of the variables that have gained great importance in recent decades, and as you know, development or backwardness of a nation depends on how to manage their resources, this is linked to a fundamental purpose, the generate a welfare population. The primary objective of finance is analyze, manage and distribute the money of the State in public needs aptly. In the second decade of the 19th century, were given a series of social, political, religious and economic events. The time, the inherited structures of colonial rule is still kept despite the wars of independence; it was still the domain of large landowners and the Church on a large number of peasants, also persisted slavery on the black population. As a result of all these facts, emerged a popular movement preceded by the liberal party, whose specific purposes. They were focused on eliminating the old system (protectionist and theocratic) and create a new order of freedom and progress, thereby also sought to give way to the ideological currents from Europe. This group of Liberals led by prominent personalities of the time, lashed out at the regime that fell in 1849. This allowed carrying power to the Liberals, who predicted a number of political and economic reforms considered to be a true revolution.


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Author Biography

Alba Marlén Torres Verdugo

M.Sc en Historia e Investigación Social.


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Fedesarrollo (1980) Ensayos sobre historia económica de Colombia Editorial Presencia Bogotá, Malcom Deas, Los problemas fiscales en Colombia durante el siglo XIX.

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Karateu, Kyndi, Stepanov y otros (1981). Historia de las doctrinas económicas. Editora Política La Habana. Tomo I

McGreevey William Paul (1975). Historia Económica de Colombia 1845-1930, Ediciones Tercer Mundo, Bogotá.

Ocampo, José Antonio (1984), Colombia y la economía mundial (1830- 1910). Fedesarrollo, Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

Restrepo, Juan Camilo (1984). Hacienda Pública. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Grupo Editorial 87, Bogotá.

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How to Cite

Torres Verdugo, A. M. (2012). FINANCE IN THE RADICAL PERIOD FRAMED IN LIBERAL THEORIES FROM XIX CENTURY. Development, Economy and Society, 1(1), 91–99. Retrieved from



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