
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Publication criteria

The publication of articles in the journal Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, will be made considering the following criteria in the order specified:

  1. Final acceptance at the time of closing of the edition.
  2. Submission of CV including: name, place of work, address, email, telephone number, fax; professional status, line of research and publication of the last five years in books and journals; publications must include ISBN or ISSN (personal data will not be published).
  3. Delivery of a letter of presentation of the author(s) and his/her paper, specifying the originality of the text and its content.
  4. Delivery of the completed copyright.
  5. The coordinator of the journal will acknowledge receipt of the papers within twelve days from the date of receipt. After the pertinent evaluation by three thematically expert academic peers, one internal and two external, the Editorial Committee will communicate its decision to the interested parties.
  6. Authors will receive two copies of the journal.

Conexión Agropecuaria JDC publishes only unpublished articles, in accordance with the requirements established by the Publindex of Colciencias (Colombia).

The author is solely responsible, before this journal and the reader, for the veracity and honesty of the content of his/her work. Therefore, it is recommended to always give the corresponding credits to the work of others. In case of intellectual plagiarism or damage of any kind, Conexión Agropecuaria JDC will not assume any responsibility in this regard. In the event that any publication incurs in partial or total plagiarism, the author will be sanctioned according to the decision of the editorial committee.

Articles are accepted in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

I. Types of publication

  1. Scientific and technological research article. A document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. Maximum 10 pages, including bibliography.
  2. Reflection article. A document that presents the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. Maximum 10 pages, including bibliography.
  3. Review article. A document resulting from a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  4. Short article. A brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological research, which, in general, requires prompt dissemination. Maximum 5 pages, including bibliography.
  5. Case report. A document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation, in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on analogous cases. Maximum 5 pages, including bibliography.
  6. Reflection paper not derived from research. Maximum 5 pages, including bibliography.

II. Structure of the article

Authors should send a copy of the article on magnetic media to the journal's e-mail address:, addressed to the editorial committee.

The article should be written in one of the languages suggested by the journal, on letter-size pages (21.59 x 27.94 cm), in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing, single column, with 2 cm margins on all sides. Pages should not be numbered. The headings of the different sections should be in capital letters, bold, centered, unnumbered and leaving a single space between the heading and the text. If possible, avoid excessively long paragraphs.

If abbreviations are used, they should be explained only the first time they appear in the text. In the case of scientific names or numerical abbreviations, use international standards. When technical terms or words are used that are only significant for the scientific field in question, clarify their meaning immediately and in a simple manner.

Tables and figures should be included only in those cases in which their presentation is strictly necessary for the understanding of the text and should be placed as close as possible to the place where they are mentioned. Avoid placing them as annexes.

In case the figures contain texts and symbols, make sure they are legible. The digital format of the figures, photographs and original drawings should be at least 640x580 pixels and presented in JPG or GIF format; no figure, photograph or drawing should come with a frame.

It is recommended to use an editor of formulas and equations when appropriate, clarifying their meaning in the most didactic way possible. It is advisable to present them in the size and spaces desired to appear in the final version. It is recommended to standardize the variables both in the equations and in the text. All formulas and equations should be numbered progressively.


The sequence of the manuscript should be as follows:

Title. It should be as concise as possible and should not exceed 15 words, reflecting the content of the work, should be in capital letters, centered. In the chosen language and translated into Spanish if the language corresponds to another language of the journal.

The name(s) of the author(s) should be in font size 12 with alignment to the right and single-spaced, surnames in capital letters and names in initial capital letters. Place the data in footnote in the following order: academic information separated by commas in ascending order, followed by the academic Institution, position held, followed by the Institution of affiliation, e-mail and telephone. 


GARCÍA MOLANO, José Francisco[1]

[1]Agricultural Engineer, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Ph.D. in Plant Biology. University of Parma, Professor. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Juan de Castellanos University Foundation,

Abstract. It consists of a single paragraph no longer than 250 words. This section describes, briefly and concisely, the main points addressed in the article and/or research problem, the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. The abstract should not include bibliographic citations, figures, tables or footnotes.

Key words. These are words that identify the general idea of the paper and differ from those stated in the title. They are used to speed up and facilitate the search in the different databases. They are presented in alphabetical order, in number of 5, separated by commas. They should be immediately at the end of the summary or abstract with their respective translation into the alternate language (eg. English or Spanish).

Abstract. Accurate (technical) translation of the abstract into English. It is recommended to request the revision of the abstract to a person whose native language is English. Translation using commercial applications available on the Internet or computer programs should be avoided. If the article is not written in the original language of the journal, this item should be in Spanish.

Introduction. It presents the background that supports the purpose of the article, without an extensive deployment of the subject, using only the pertinent references and avoiding citing several for the same subject. It is necessary to indicate the postulated hypothesis and the objectives of the research.

and avoiding citing several for the same subject. It is necessary to indicate the postulated hypothesis and the objectives of the research.

Methodology. Mention the place where the study was carried out and the time it was conducted. It presents only the information necessary for the work to be reproducible, emphasizing the original methods or important modifications to known techniques or equipment. The analytical and statistical procedures should be clearly described, and the programs and versions used should be indicated.

Results. These should be limited to the data obtained and presented in a logical sequence that is objective, accurate and easy to understand and interpret.

The data should be presented organized in the form of tables and figures, and in a manner consistent with that cited in the methodology. The tables and figures should be those strictly necessary, and contain sufficient data without repetition for their comprehension.

Tables. The labeling of each table should be at the head of the table. The title should be concise and self-explanatory of the contents of the table (Table X in bold, legend in size 10 font) and should occupy the width of the table; the symbology should appear at the foot of the table. Within the text, it should be cited in parentheses (Table XX); composite tables should be indicated with letters (Table XXa; Table XXb). The explanatory of the table should not be a duplication of the methodology of the work. Remember that the tables must be done in Excel for Windows. They should be sent as an attachment with the original data. At the bottom of the table should appear the source from which it was obtained, e.g., Source: article/book/reference/URL. If the table is produced by the authors, this should be indicated as Source: own elaboration.

Figures. They are images, photos, graphs, maps, diagrams, drawings. The legend of the figure goes at the bottom in bold, size 10 (Figure X) and should occupy the width of the figure, along with the font as specified for tables. Abbreviations and symbols in the figures should correspond to those indicated in the text; if they are new, they should be explained in the legend. Within the text, they should be cited in parentheses (Figure X); composite figures should be indicated by letters (Figure Xa), (Figure Xb). When using figures in the computer, send them in the original format in which they were made, and do not paste them as an image in Word or Excel; if they are scanned, send them in TIFF, JPG or PDF with the following widths: 58 mm, 120 mm or 133mm.

Discussion. It is the analysis or interpretation made by the author, in a rigorous manner, of the results obtained in the research; it also integrates the results of the literature with those of the research to provide the reader with a broad basis with which to accept or reject the hypotheses proposed, clarifying the exceptions, modifications or contradictions of the same, of theories and principles directly related to the facts. Point out the proactive or theoretical applications of the results. The data mentioned in the results section should not be repeated. It is necessary to 

include an analysis of the implications of the findings, their limitations and their projections in future research, ending with a paragraph reflecting the practical or theoretical implications of the research. This section is a reflection of the intellectual suitability of the researcher.

Conclusions. They should be written in a single paragraph, and expose in a clear, concise and logical way, the contribution that the author makes regarding the new facts discovered and their contribution to science. They should be conclusions and not recommendations.

Acknowledgements. It is optional, they can be included when the author(s) consider it necessary. This section should include, as far as possible, the following order: persons (omitting professional titles), groups, entities that financially and/or logistically supported the study and number of the project financed (as appropriate). Avoid individualizing or particularizing the acknowledgements for each person.

Bibliographic references. References should be cited according to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA, 6th edition). Only references included in the text should be listed. They should be placed at the end of the text and should be ordered alphabetically by author(s), followed by the year of publication. The names of all authors of the cited bibliographic reference should be included, and chronologically for each author or each combination of authors. In all cases where the author is an Institution, cite it as Anonymous. Names of serial publications should be written in full, not abbreviated.

The order of presentation of bibliographical references will be as follows:

For articles: author's last name in sustained capital letters, followed by comma; initial of name in capital letters, followed by period; year of publication, followed by period; title of article, followed by period; full name of journal in italics, followed by comma; volume in italics, followed by comma; number in parentheses and without space, followed by comma and pagination separated by a hyphen, followed by period. For two and more authors, separate names by comma and use "and" before the last author.


For one author:

FAHRIG, L. 2003. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. Evolution System, 34, 487-515.

For two authors:

OTAHOLA, V. and IMERY, J. 1995. Mass selection with biparental control for prolificacy in maize. Saber, 7(2), 63-69.

For more than two authors:

VALLEJO-MARÍN, M., DOMÍNGUEZ, C. and DIRZO, R. 2006. Simulated seed predation reveals a variety of germination responses of neotropical rain forest species. American Journal of Botany, 93, 369-376.

Note: When a paper has been accepted but not yet published, please cite it in print and undated.

BOHÓRQUEZ, T. In press. Another record of Meganiusen Antioquia (Colombia). Caldasia.

For Books

Complete book: author(s) surname(s) in capital letters, followed by comma; initial of name in capital letters, followed by period; year of publication, followed by period; title of book in italics, followed by period; place of printing city and country if not recognized, followed by colon; publishing house or entity responsible for publication, followed by period. Example:

HERNÁNDEZ, F. 1997. El cultivo del algodonero. Venezuela: Editorial Universidad Ezequiel Zamora.

Book chapters: Last name(s) of the author(s) of the chapter in capital letters, followed by a comma; first name initial in capital letters, followed by a period; year of publication, followed by a period; title of the book chapter, followed by a period; preceded by the Latin word "En" or "In" in English; last name of the book authors in capital letters, followed by a comma; first name initial in capital letters, followed by a period; title of the book in italics, with the letters pp. in parentheses, and the pagination separated by a period. and the pagination separated by a hyphen, followed by a period; place of printing, city and country if not annotated, followed by a colon; publisher or entity responsible for the publication, Example:

WILCOVE, D., MCLELLAN, CH. and DODSON, A. 1986. Habitat fragmentation in the temperate zone. In: SOULÉ, M., Conservation Biology: the science of scarcity and diversity (pp. 356-480). Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates.

For undergraduate papers, monographs, research papers and theses: author(s) last name(s) in sustained capital letters, followed by comma; first name initial in capital letters, followed by period; year of publication, followed by period; title of paper in italics, followed by period; Type of paper in parentheses (Undergraduate paper/Monograph/Master's thesis/PhD thesis), followed by period; Institution, followed by comma; place of printing City and Country, followed by period. Example:

TOVAR-PAREDES, J. 2004. Bases for the improvement of peasant poultry production systems in the area of influence of the forest of Florencia (Master's Thesis). University of Caldas, Colombia.

For electronic resources: When citing bibliographic material obtained from the Internet, the author should always try to use registered articles, with sources that are credible and reliable. In the case of works consulted on-line, the electronic address should be provided; preceded by the expression "Retrieved from:" as follows:

MONIRA, K., SULTANA, R. and AZHARUL, I. 2007. The effect of timsen and ambicide as disinfectant on hatchability traits of Kasila broiler parents eggs in Bangladesh. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 19(3), 45-55. Retrieved from: pubs/index.htm.

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The personal data provided to the journal will be treated in accordance with the policy of treatment of personal data protection of the owners of the Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, which can be consulted at the link, exclusively for purposes related to its corporate purpose and in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012.