Nutrition in puppies with sarcoptic mange, case study in a dobermann pinscher dog


  • Lady Gehovel Caro Mejía Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos



sarcoptic mange, immunosuppression, exposure, nutrition, puppies


Sarcoptic mange is a dermatological disease of zoonotic character, caused by the mite of the sarcoptes family, scabiei var canis species; it is very common in case of small animals. In puppies that have been exposed to digestive pathologies, there is an immunosuppression that predisposes to skin problems due to the loss of precursors that present mitotic action of circulating leukocytes and lymphatic cells. It also presents the destruction of lymphoid tissues of the mucosa and generates food hypersensitivity and intestinal inflammation, the contribution of diets rich in amino acids decreases oxidative stress and the immunological gap that occurs in the transition of weaning. We describe a clinical case assisted at the Pet Center veterinary clinic in Tunja in April 2016 of a 3-month-old dobermann pinscher with a history of digestive disease of 15 days of evolution presumably parvovirus and diagnosed with sarcoptic mange, it is carried out an improvement of the diet with emphasis on a nutritional element of better quality and the addition of trace elements and vitamin C and E. It results in a total cure of digestive disorders, better weight gain, increased muscle mass, better hair condition and total elimination of the sarcoptic mange. What proves the importance of improving animal welfare by ensuring adequate maintenance of their conditions.

Author Biography

Lady Gehovel Caro Mejía, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

MVZ y Especialista en medicina Interna de Pequeños, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.
Docente, Facultad de Ciencias agrarias, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Caro Mejía, L. G. (2018). Nutrition in puppies with sarcoptic mange, case study in a dobermann pinscher dog. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 8(1), 81–94.


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