Authorship and participation in crimes of qualified active subject of public servant


  • Sergio Andrés López Zamora Firma IterLegis Abogados


Authorship, participation, intervener, crimes of determinate asset subject, public server.


Legislative developments and different pronouncements by the doctrine and national jurisprudence, have allowed interpretative disparities based in the concourse of persons of the punishable conduct, especially when it is applied facing special crimes. That discussion not only has basis in the broader nuances of criminal partnership, but has also gained advantage against its categories such as authorship, co-authorship, determination, and complicity, especially, the intervener issue that drives its treatment in this opportunity. Thus by this article is intended to ventilate the logical and practical treatment deontologically applicable to the views of the author, the seat of authorship and participation in special crimes, making in this occasion emphasis on crimes of qualified active subject of public servant. However, it is a purpose that seeks to clear, quickly, some doubts as to current theories, in order to find the current interpretative response of possible treatment to the figures of authorship and criminal participation, seat of special crimes that protect the legal interest of public administration.

Author Biography

Sergio Andrés López Zamora, Firma IterLegis Abogados

Abogado, Especialista y Magíster en Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal Universidad Santo Tomás - Tunja. Director del área de derecho penal y disciplinario de la firma IterLegis Abogados


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How to Cite

López Zamora, S. A. (2015). Authorship and participation in crimes of qualified active subject of public servant. Global Iure, 3, 15–44. Retrieved from


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