
  • Cultura científica

    Cultura Científica (C. Cient.) Is a publication that aims to disseminate multidisciplinary scientific articles, It is edited by the General Directorate of Research and Innovation that presents and socializes investigative efforts of Juan de Castellanos University, obeying its institutional goal. Its mission is to incorporate into the regional culture reasonable and useful academic - scientific and technological processes able to contribute with a vital balance and of well - being. Their articles taken from the basic sciences, social, human and applied, periodically complement the interest and the concern to offer reasonable information. For this task to be possible, the magazine opted for a form of presentation and design (photography and polychrome) that supports the desire to install more, scientific culture in the region. Otherwise, its content, presentation and design help in the construction of an institutional scientific identity and also measure the professionalism and potential of its researchers, who submit results and ideas to critical discussion. C. Cient journal will be published annually in the month of October.

    ISSN print: 1657-463X
    ISSN online: 2389-9638

  • Development, Economy and Society

    The Development, Economy and Society (DES) journal is a publication of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Juan de Castellanos University. Currently it is attached to the programs of Social Work, Accounting and Tourism and Hotel Management. This publication is addressed to researches carried out by social workers, psychologists, educators, sociologists, political scientists, public accountants, tourism administrators and professionals linked to the areas of Social, Human and Economic Sciences.

    Periodicity: annual

    ISSN print: 2322-8040
    ISSN online: 2322-9748 

  • Conexión Agropecuaria JDC

    The journal Conexión Agropecuaria, which is part of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, aims to disseminate scientific research in the areas of Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture, Livestock, Environment and Rural Development

    The contents are available to readers under a Creative Commons license. However, the Journal is no longer active and no new submissions are being received.

    Printed ISSN: 2248-7735
    ISSN online: 2322-7311 

  • Educación y Territorio

    La revista Educación y Territorio (REYTE), es un publicación científica con una periodicidad semestral que concentra la labor de los investigadores en el campo de la educación, la pedagogía y las humanidades, donde se visibiliza los productos de redes y grupos de investigación nacionales e internacionales. Da a conocer la relevancia y el impacto de las investigaciones a la comunidad académica en el contexto regional, nacional y latinoamericano.  

    ISSN impreso: 2256-3989
    ISSN en línea: 2256-3431
  • Global Iure

    La revista Global Iure adscrita al programa de Derecho de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas Internacionales, tiene como fin incentivar la producción académica que realiza la comunidad de la JDC, especialmente en el área del Derecho, publicando artículos de investigación, reflexión y revisión, artículos cortos, análisis de casos y reseñas bibliográficas o de eventos. 
    Con el fin de ofrecer una publicación comprometida con el contexto regional, nacional e internacional, con criterios justos y un alto nivel académico, cuenta con un comité de revisión editorial interno; personal de diseño y corrección de estilo, además de un comité de expertos externos quienes evalúan el material a publicar.
    Esperamos que esta revista, además de ser un espacio académico de formación, sea el lugar para fomentar la crítica constructiva con responsabilidad en la academia.
    ISSN impreso: 2389-7155
    ISSN en línea: 2422-3468 
  • Science, Innovation and Technology Journal

    The journal "Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología" is a means of dissemination of scientific and technological research articles, reviews, reflections, case reports or literature reviews, in areas related to engineering, with high quality that generate social impact at regional, national and international level, having as a transversal axis the ethics and scientific rigor.

    The contents are available to readers under a Creative Commons license. However, the magazine is no longer active and no new submissions are being received.

    ISSN printed: 2390-058X
    ISSN online: 2422-0264