ICT As A Teacher Training Strategy For Academic Management


  • Yanis Eydie Sánchez Jiménez Institución Educativa Pedregal Alto (Sutamarchán, Boyacá)


Academic management and leadership, Learning strategies, Ict mediation learning strategies, Digital skills, Teacher training


This research is presented in order to organize the curricular development and the processes of academic management in the Educational Institution Pedregal Alto of Sutamarchán. It started with the methodological design and the fulfillment of the proposed objectives tending to develop the digital skills of the teachers and put them at the service of the academic management within the classroom processes, characterizing and exemplifying the new tendencies of skills of the ICT, which must be included in teacher training programs. For these reasons, this research is qualitative, based on the quantitative research for the interpretation of instruments of data collection such as surveys. This research was guided by action research, since it was not only intended to analyze the didactic phenomena of the institution but also to propose possible solutions to improve the pedagogical processes. It was possible to define a new vision about the educational process of teachers, taking into account the need to implement a teacher training program, where the appropriate use and the digital culture of teaching by means ICT skills is updated.

Author Biography

Yanis Eydie Sánchez Jiménez, Institución Educativa Pedregal Alto (Sutamarchán, Boyacá)

Mg. (c) en Gerencia Educativa Institución Educativa Pedregal Alto (Sutamarchán, Boyacá)



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How to Cite

Sánchez Jiménez, Y. E. (2017). ICT As A Teacher Training Strategy For Academic Management. Educación Y Territorio, 7(13), 57–82. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/index.php/reyte/article/view/544


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