Design of playful-pedagogical strategies in teaching literacy for students with special learning needs


  • Claudia Virginia Jaramillo Tangarife Institución Educativa Leocadio Salazar, Ulloa-Valle del Cauca



literacy, ludic, special learning needs


It is proposed ludic-pedagogical strategies in the teaching of reading and writing for students with special learning needs, designed according to their characterization, which made it possible to determine the most frequent shortcomings, as well as their abilities and motivations. Experiences were systematized with an approach focused on a participatory intervention process, by using techniques such as observation and survey to collect information. It was demonstrated that motivating them, strategies were useful for the teaching process of these students; however, it was evidenced the lack of family support, curricular transformations, and effective state policies for inclusion, impeding the progressive progress they may achieve. In addition, it was concluded that the absence of medical diagnoses is one of the main drawbacks when responding in an appropriate manner to these cases. The active participation of all education agents (school-family-State) is necessary to meet the needs of students with special learning needs; it is essential that parents and teachers be able to correctly satisfy these needs, and timely diagnosis and registration be carried out to guarantee effective state policies.

Author Biography

Claudia Virginia Jaramillo Tangarife, Institución Educativa Leocadio Salazar, Ulloa-Valle del Cauca

Licenciada en Educación Preescolar


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Tangarife, C. V. (2018). Design of playful-pedagogical strategies in teaching literacy for students with special learning needs. Educación Y Territorio, 8(14), 29–48.


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