The meaning of going to school: relationship with knowledge (ras) of rural students


  • Mauricio Franco Arias


sense, activity-action-relation with knowledge, balances of knowledge and school.


This article is based on the findings of a research interested in hearing the students’ voice regarding the relationships they establish with the knowledge and the sense they find in their attendance to the school institution. The purpose of the research was to know what sense it has for a group of students from a rural area of Valle del Cauca (Colombia), to go to school. The inquiry was made taking as conceptual support the Anthropo-sociological line of the theory of RAS -Activity-Action-Relation with knowledge. The research was qualitative with a hermeneutical interpretation approach. In the study 11 tenth grade students of a public institution of the municipality of Dagua, Valle del Cauca participated. The information was obtained from the application of balances of knowledge, which, as the name implies, are instruments that seek to establish the relationship with the knowledge built by the students. As a result of the research, it can be pointed out, fundamentally, that students do not find a clear sense in their attendance at school; By virtue of which, they have not established the referents of Taste, Pleasure and Expectation necessary for their configuration.


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How to Cite

Franco Arias, M. (2016). The meaning of going to school: relationship with knowledge (ras) of rural students. Educación Y Territorio, 6(10), 35–55. Retrieved from


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