Antecedents of the energy and the electricity in Colombia


  • Clara Inés Villamil Guzmán Universidad de Boyacá


electrification, electric energy, energy, lighting, street lighting


This article shows the results of a descriptive research, which had as an objective to let people know the uses of energy during the period between XIX and XX centuries in Colombia, beginning with the uses of fire as a lighting source and as a heating system throughout the use of sources such as firewood and coal and also, the implementation of new techniques of street and home lighting. In the same way, the appearance of electrical energy in the different cities of the country to street lighting and home lighting which evidences the modernization process of different localities is described; and finally, the first contracts of street lighting in the department of Boyacá and in the Tunja city at the beginning of XX century are shown.


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Author Biography

Clara Inés Villamil Guzmán, Universidad de Boyacá

Magíster en Historia Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Educativas Universidad de Boyacá


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Informe del gobernador de Boyacá a la Asamblea Departamental en sus sesiones ordinarias de 1916. Tunja: Imprenta del departamento.

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How to Cite

Villamil Guzmán, C. I. (2014). Antecedents of the energy and the electricity in Colombia. Cultura científica, (12), 30–37. Retrieved from



Review article