frugivory, seed dispersal, birds, Miconia.Abstract
The aim of this study is to identify the species of birds that feed on the fruits of Miconia floribunda (Bonpl) DC. and describe their foraging behavior, which influence on seed dispersal processes of the species in an area of the National Park of Yariguíes Serranía (Santander, Colombia). The area is home to forests in good condition to serve as transition between the Magdalena River valley and the highlands of eastern Colombian Andes. Seed dispersal is a fundamental process that models the structure of the vegetation cover, promotes the establishment and perpetuation of the same, to abundant bird life and is a constant source of food. The observations showed a sampling intensity of 19 hours per researcher, accumulating a total of 57 hours of observation. 176 events were recorded frugivory, recording 13 species of birds belong-ing to four families, predominantly Thraupidae family with 10 species belonging to five genera, which constituted 89% of the frequency of visits for this study. There were two types of manipulation of the fruit: engulfed and mash. For two species of Diglossa manipulation technique was macerated fruit so it may be less efficient seed dispersal because they dropped some of the fruit in the vicinity of the parent plant, which de-creases the chances of recruitment.Downloads
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ARTEAGA, L. & MOYA, I. 2002. Sobreposición de dieta y variación de la estructura de las comunidades de aves y murciélagos frugívoros en fragmentos de bosque de la Estación Biológica del Beni. Ecología en Bolivia 37:15-29.
BETANCUR, J., ZULUAGA, A., CLAVIJO, L., CORDERO, Z. & SALINAS, R. 2007. Santa María pintada de flores. Serie de guías de campo Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 172 pp.
BLEHER, B. & BÖHNING-GAESE, K. 2001. Consequences of frugivore diversity for seed dispersal, seedling establishment and the spatial patterns of seedlings and trees. Oecologia 129: 385-394.
DIAZ, M.C. 2008. Plan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Natural Serranía De Yariguíes. Unidad de Parques Nacionales Naturales – Patrimonio Natural Fondo Biodiversidad y Áreas Protegidas, Bogotá. 114pp.
GENTRY, A. 1993. A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody Plants of Northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) with supplementary notes on herbaceous taxa. Conservation International. Chicago Press, USA. 895pp.
GENTRY, A. H. 1995. Patterns of diversity and floristic composition in Neotropical montane forest. pp. 103–126. En: Churchill, S. P., H. Balslev, E. Forero & J.L. Luteyn (eds.) Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Forests. The New York Botanical Garden, Nueva York.
GÓMEZ, J. 2000. Miconia teotepecensis (Melastomataceae), una nueva especie de la Sierra Madre del sur de Guerrero y Oaxaca, México. Acta biológica mexicana 50: 78-83.
GUTIÉRREZ, A. & ROJAS, S. 2004. Preferencias de las aves por el color del fruto. Universidad Nacional de Colombia .Tesis. Colombia.
HILTY, S. L. & BROWN, W. L. 1986. A guide to the birds of Colombia. Princenton University Press, New Jersey. 996pp.
JANZEN, D. H. 1971. Seed predation by animals. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 2:465-492.
LEVEY, D. J. 1987. Seed size and fruit handling techniques of avian frugivores. American Naturalist 129: 471-485.
MARCONDES-MACHADO, LO., 2002. Comportamento alimentar de aves em Miconia rubiginosa (Melastomataceae) em fragmento de cerrado, São Paulo. Iheringia, Série Zoológica 92(3): 97-100.
MONTALDO, N. 1993. Dispersión por aves y éxito reproductivo de dos especies de Ligustrum (Oleaceae) en un relicto de selva subtropical en la Argentina. Revista chilena de Historia Natural (66): 75-85.
RICKLEFS, R. 1977. A discriminating function analysis of assemblages of fruiting birds in Central America. The Condor 79: 228-231.
SALAMAN, P., DONEGAN, T. & CARO, D. 2009. Listado de Aves de Colombia 2009. Conservación colombiana. 8: 1-89.
SNOW, D. W. 1981. Tropical birds and their food plants: a world survey. Biotrópica, 13(1): 1-14.
STILES, F.G. 1985. Ecology, flowering phenology, and hummingbird pollination of some Costa Rican Heliconia species. Ecology 56: 285 - 301.
TRAVESET, A. & VERDÚ, M. 2002. A meta-analysis of the effect of gut treatment of seed germination. Pp. 339-350 in: Levey, D. J., Silva, W. R. & Galetti, M. (eds) 2003. Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. CAB International.
WILLSON M., & WHELAN C. 1993. Variation of dispersal phenology in a bird-dispersed shrub, Cornus drummondii. Ecological Monographs 63 (2): 151-172
How to Cite
Cabrejo Bello, A. (2012). Interaction frugivores and miconia floribunda (bonpl) dc. (melastomataceae) in the Yariguíes serranía PNN (Santander). Cultura científica, (10), 16–23. Retrieved from
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