variety, heterozygous, homozygous, genotype, genetic markersAbstract
The Olive in Colombia is not an economically important agricultural activity, however in the Upper-Boyaca-Colombia Ricaurte has been practiced for over 200 years. Existing plantations totaling about 18,000 trees of which approximately 3000 are new plantations planted during the last four years, the others are trees over 30 years. No one knows these trees correspond to varieties, but are known by the name of some varieties Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. This study aimed to identify the trees planted in the region through molecular analysis, which were chosen for trees (39 trees of three and four years and over 30 others) in three municipalities and five farms. DNA was extracted using the method for identifying CTAB and varietal genetic markers were used based chain reaction Polymerase (PCR) with microsatellites (SSR). Of the 39 samples tested is that there are 10 genotypes where genotype 4 contains the greatest number of individuals both young trees as those over age 30, the farm where there is greater diversity "of La Rioja Villamiles" and more homogeneous "Las Acacias", both in Sutamarchán Boyacá. The genotypes found not correspond to the names given in the region, is also found that there are several cases of homonymy.Downloads
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GARCÍA, F. 1963 Antecedentes, ensayos, diseño experimental, trabajos realizados, perspectivas económicas del cultivo del olivo en nuestro medio. Instituto de fomento algodonero división oleaginosas perennes
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MARRAZZO, T., CIPRIANI, G., MARCONI, R., CIMATO, A. & TESTOLIN, R., 2002. Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite AND in olive (Oleaeurpaea L.).Acta Hort. 586: 61-64p.
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TAGUAS, F. 2009. El cultivo del olivo en el departamento de Boyacá –diagnóstico y plan de acción-. Ediciones cisnecolor. Bogotá. 83pp.
BARRANCO D. FERNÁNDEZ-ESCOBAR R. & RALLO L., 2008, El cultivo del olivo, sexta edición, Ediciones Mundi –Prensa Madrid, 846pp.
BELAJ A., SATOVIC Z., RALLOL & TRUJILLO I., 2004a Optimal use of RADP markers for identyfying varieties in olive (Olea europaea L.) germplam collection. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129(2): 266-270 p.
BELLINI E., GIORDANI E. & NIN S., 2003. Genetica e miglioramentoPp 113-143.Fiorino P. Trattato di olivicoltura. Edagricole. Bologna, 461pp.
BRAVO M., GÓMEZ P., KAEN R., MONTALBAN D., OVEJERO D. & ANDRADA C., 2004. Determinación de la época de estabilización de nitrógeno, fosforo y potasio foliar en olivos, del valle central de la provincia de Catamarca. Rev. Del Cizasvol 5, Nº 1-2 81-90 p.
CARRIERO F., FONTANAZZA G., CELLINI F., & GIORGIO G., 2002.Identification of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in olive (Olea europaea L.).Theor. Appl.Genet. 104:301-307 p.
CORTEZ, A., 2010 (Converaciones personales-CON.PER).
DURANTE M., PETRUCCELLI R., BARTOLINI G. & BERNARDI R., 1992. Impiegodelleproteine di riserva per l'identificazionedelle cultivar di olivo (Olea europaea L.). Cong. “Olive olio qualità”.57 pp.
GANINO, T., 2006. Indaginimorfologiche e biomoleculare per la caratterizzazione di genotipiemiliani di Olea europaea L. UniversitàdegliStudi di Parma.
GARCÍA, F. 1963 Antecedentes, ensayos, diseño experimental, trabajos realizados, perspectivas económicas del cultivo del olivo en nuestro medio. Instituto de fomento algodonero división oleaginosas perennes
GOTTLIEB, L. 1981 Electrophoretic evidence and plant populations.Progress Phytochem, 7:1 – 46p.
GOUNARIS, Y., SKUOLA, M., FOURNARAKI, C., DRAKAKAKI, G. & MAKRIS, A. 2002. Comparison of essential oils and genetic relationship of Origanum x intercedens to its parental taxa in the island of Crete. BiochemicalSystematics and Ecology, 30: 249-258p.
MARRAZZO, T., CIPRIANI, G., MARCONI, R., CIMATO, A. & TESTOLIN, R., 2002. Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite AND in olive (Oleaeurpaea L.).Acta Hort. 586: 61-64p.
SEFC, K., LÓPEZ, M.S., MENDONCA, D., RODRIGUEZ DOS SANTOS, M., LAIMER, DA CÂMARA MACHADO, M., & DA CÂMARA MACHADO A., 2000. Identification of microsatellite loci in olive (Olea europaea L.) and their caracterization in Italian and Iberian olive tree.Mol. Ecol. 9:1171-1173p.
TAGUAS, F. 2009. El cultivo del olivo en el departamento de Boyacá –diagnóstico y plan de acción-. Ediciones cisnecolor. Bogotá. 83pp.
How to Cite
García, F., & Jaramillo García, L. S. (2012). Germplasm molecular study in Colombia olive. Cultura científica, (10), 24–34. Retrieved from
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