root system, rhizosphere environment, coverage.Abstract
Peach Tree (P. persica) consists of two main structural parts: a epigeal, formed by the trunk that supports the cauline system, and a part which is the hypogeous root system. The latter, according to the structure and specific functions morfoanatómica presents various types of roots: absorbent, transi-tional and driving. The feeder roots (translucent whitish) are physiologically very active and represent between 80 and 85% of the entire root system. Although the roots of fruit trees in a pattern develop genetic, some environ-mental conditions, morphological variations in their development. In this paper we study the density of the absorbing root system in the cultivation of peach (cv. Dorado) to 10 cm deep, using the technique of the cylinder volume, ac-cording to soil management using 2 types of coverage (live cover, mulch ) weed control with herbicide and a traditional reference tillage. The results showed that coverage by dead plant material on the soil (10 cm deep) under the diameter of the tree (160 cm), led to greater root development evidenced in a higher density.Downloads
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Klepper, B. 1987. Origin, branching and distribution of root systems. Root Development and fuction. P 103- 124-Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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Marchi, S. et al. 2008. Variation in mesophyll anatomy and photosynthetic capacity during leaf development in a deciduous mesophyte fruit tree (Prunus persica) and an evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean shrub (Olea europaea). 22: 559–571, Tress.
Mitchel, D. y Black, J. 1968. Distribution of peach roots under pasture and cultivation. 8:106-111, Austral.J. exp. Apr. Anim. Husb.
Montenegro, H., Malagón, D. y Guerrero, L. 1990. Propiedades Físicas de los Suelos. P 813, Subdirección Agrológica. I.G.A.C. (Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi).
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Quijano, Rico M. 2009. Viticultura tropical a gran altitud. rev. Cultura científica. P. 60-68.
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Ruiz, R. y Massa, M. 1994. Respuesta al K en parronales de uva de mesa de Aconcagua. 73: 26-31, IPA-La Platina.
Salisbury, F. y Ross, C. 1992. Fisiología Vegetal. Ed. Iberoamerica, Mexico, D.F.
Taiz, L. y Zeiger, E. 2006. Fisiologia Vegetal. 1a Edición. Ed. Universitat Jaume I.
Valli. R, 1999. Arboricultura General e especiale. Ed. Agricole, Bologna.
Weller, F. 1971. A method for studying the distribution of absorbing roots of fruit trees. 7: 351-361, Exp. Agr.
Zanchin, A., et al., Characterization of abscission zones in the flowers and fruits peacht [Purnus persica (L.) Batsch]. 129: 345-354. New Phytol.
Angelini, R. 2008. Il pesco. Coltura y cultura. Ed. ART Servizi, S.p.A- Bologna.
Atkinson, D. y White, G. 1998. Mineral nutrition of fruit trees. Ed. Butterworths in London, Boston.
Baldini, E. 1986. Arboricultura General. Cooperativa Librería Editrice Bologna.
Bargoni, G. 1959. Studi e ricerche sul sistema radicale del pesco nel veronese. XLIII (9-10): 400-419, Riv. Ortoflorofrut. Ital
--------- 1961. Ulteriore ricerche sul sistema radicale del pesco nel terreni veronese di origen efluvio-glaciale. XXIII(5): 563-572, Frutticoltura.
Bini, G. y Chisci. P. 1961. Alcune observazione sul reciproco comportamento de le radici del pesco e del pero. XLV(4): 345-352, Rev. Ortoflorofrut. Ital.
Brady, C. 1987. Fruit Ripening. 38:155-178. Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol.
Braudo, A. 1992. Mineral nutrition. Prac., 2159-163, IV Int. Symp. Groper. Physiol., Turin- Italia.
Burbano, H. 1989. El suelo una visión sobre sus componentes biorgánicos. (1): 46-80. Serie investigaciones, Universidad de Nariño.
Cain, C. 1971. Effect of mechanical pruning of apple hedgerows with a slotting saw on light penetration and fruiting. 96: 664-667, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
----------- 1973. Foilage canopy development of 'McIntosh' apple hedgerows in relation to mechanical pruning, the unterception of solar radiation, and fruiting. 98: 357-360. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
---------- 1972. Hedgerows orchard desing for most efficient interception of solar radiation. Effect of tree size, shape, spacing, and row direction. 2(7): 1-14. Search in Agriculture.
Censo Nacional Agropecuario, 2011.
Coker, G. 1959. Root developmen of Apple tres in grass and clean cultivation. 34:111-121, J. Hert. Sci.
Fischer, G. 1994. Crecimiento y desarrollado de los frutales caducifolios. UPTC, Tunja.
Fritzsch, R. y Nyfeler, A. 1974. The influence of soil cultivation on the development and activity of apple tree roots. 13: 341-351. Schweiz. Landw. Forsch.
Geddeda, Y., Trappe, M. y Stebins, L. 1984. Effects of vesicular– arbuscular mycorrhizae and phosphorous an apple seedlings. 109: 24 – 27, J. amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
Gil, F. 1999. Fruticultura: el potencial productivo, crecimiento vegetativo y diseño de huertos y viñedos. 3a Edic. Univ. Cat. Chile. Santiago Chile.
-------- 2000. Fructucultura: la produccion de fruta. Fruta de clima templado y uva de vino. 1a Edic. Univ. Cat. Chile. Santiago Chile.
Giovannoni, J. 2001, Molecular Biology of Fruit Maturation and Ripening 52: 725-749, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.
Hodge, A. et al. 2009. Plant root growth, architecture and function. 321:153–187, Plant Soil.
Hoepner, F., Koch, B. y Covey, R. 1983. Enhancement of grow and Phosforous concentrations in apple seedlings by vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae. 108: 207 – 209, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
Jaskson, E. 1978a. Utilization of light resource by high density planting system. 65: 61-70, Acta Hort.
--------------- 1980. Light interception and utilization by orchard systems. 2: 208-267, Hort. Rev.
--------------- 1981. Theory of light interception by orchads and a modelling approch to optimizing orchad desing. 114: 69-79, Acta. Hort.
Jhonson, S. et al. 1983. Effect of soil management on mineral composition and storage quality of cox's orange Pippin apples. 35: 317 – 326, J. Hort. Sci.
Klepper, B. 1987. Origin, branching and distribution of root systems. Root Development and fuction. P 103- 124-Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Kumar, M. et al., 2010. Effect of prunung intensity on peach yield and fruit quality. 125: 218-221. Scientia Horticulturae.
Malagón, D. 1998. Fundamentos para el conocimiento y manejo de suelos agricolas. Manual técnico. Pp 360 Fun. Univ. Juan-catellanos.
Marchi, S. et al. 2008. Variation in mesophyll anatomy and photosynthetic capacity during leaf development in a deciduous mesophyte fruit tree (Prunus persica) and an evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean shrub (Olea europaea). 22: 559–571, Tress.
Mitchel, D. y Black, J. 1968. Distribution of peach roots under pasture and cultivation. 8:106-111, Austral.J. exp. Apr. Anim. Husb.
Montenegro, H., Malagón, D. y Guerrero, L. 1990. Propiedades Físicas de los Suelos. P 813, Subdirección Agrológica. I.G.A.C. (Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi).
Bogotá, Colombia.
Primavesi, A. 1982. Manejo ecológico del suelo. Ed. El ateneo. Buenos Aires.
Quijano, Rico M. 2009. Viticultura tropical a gran altitud. rev. Cultura científica. P. 60-68.
Richards, D. y Cockroft, B. 1975. The effect of soil water on root production of peach trees in summer. 26 : 173-180, Austral. J. Agr. Res.
Rogers, S.y Vyvyan, M. 1934. Rootstock and soil effect on apple root systems. 12: 110-150, J. Pom. Hort. Sci.
Ruiz, R. y Massa, M. 1994. Respuesta al K en parronales de uva de mesa de Aconcagua. 73: 26-31, IPA-La Platina.
Salisbury, F. y Ross, C. 1992. Fisiología Vegetal. Ed. Iberoamerica, Mexico, D.F.
Taiz, L. y Zeiger, E. 2006. Fisiologia Vegetal. 1a Edición. Ed. Universitat Jaume I.
Valli. R, 1999. Arboricultura General e especiale. Ed. Agricole, Bologna.
Weller, F. 1971. A method for studying the distribution of absorbing roots of fruit trees. 7: 351-361, Exp. Agr.
Zanchin, A., et al., Characterization of abscission zones in the flowers and fruits peacht [Purnus persica (L.) Batsch]. 129: 345-354. New Phytol.
How to Cite
Gómez Sierra, L. A., & Gómez Cano, F. A. (2011). Effect of four soil managements on the density in peach absorbing roots [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] to 10 cm deep. Cultura científica, (9), 8–16. Retrieved from
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