Biological and Cultural Evolution: A Look at Technology


  • Ángela Yaneth Landínez Torres Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


biological and cultural evolution, technology, technology, biotechnology, technocracy, bioethics


The article presents a reflection on technology, for it is a correlation between biological and cultural evolution, which stands as an essential part of culture. In addition, it delves into the concept of art, on which there is a short description of its historical development. It also raises the issue of biotechnology, dressing like any other technique, it could have a merely utilitarian end, so it is called to pre-serve the intent of his approach, even more so within a culture that has not had sufficient time to discuss the possible human implications, techno-logical, environmental and ethical issues that can generate such rapid development. In this perspective, bioethics presents an important forum for dialogue rather than the ambiguity of technological development, finally argues that the problems concerning the technological phenomenon is not technology per se but the diffusion of a technocratic mentality which makes the technique loses its character as a means of becoming so, which is suggested by "reinventing" a way of relating to technology or better with technological rationality.


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Author Biography

Ángela Yaneth Landínez Torres, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

M.Sc.(c) en Bioética Especialista en Bioética, Universidad El Bosque Bióloga, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia-UPTC Docente Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Investigadora Grupo Denominación de Origen, Terroir y Zonificación – DOTEZ Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


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How to Cite

Landínez Torres, Ángela Y. (2010). Biological and Cultural Evolution: A Look at Technology. Cultura científica, (8), 75–82. Retrieved from



Reflection article