Behavior in captivity of a young individual of Tremarctos ornatus


  • Viviana Gómez Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


Andean bear, Tremarctos ornatus, observation, agonal behaviors.


They were made samples of the behavior of an Andean bear Tremarctos ornatus, youth (4 months old approx.) coming from a voluntary delivery of the Colombian national army. During February and March 2009 in the Passing-through Center for Wild Fauna in the context of the Foundation Juan de Castellanos - Autonomous Regional Corporation (CORPOBOYACÁ) convention. In the municipality of Soracá, located in the coordinates 5°30 North latitude and 73° West longitude Grenwich. Data were collected through the sampling methodology Ad Libitum. There were registered 22 different behavioural manifestations, among them the behaviors of feed, power, rest, defence, attack and game. Agonal behaviors were the most common.


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Author Biography

Viviana Gómez, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

M.V., U.D.C.A. Estudiante de Esp. en Biotecnología Agraria UNAD Docente, JDC


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How to Cite

Gómez, V. (2009). Behavior in captivity of a young individual of Tremarctos ornatus. Cultura científica, (7), 6–10. Retrieved from



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