Morphometric description of intestinal villi in cattle(bovine)


  • Diana Ávila
  • Ángela Niño
  • Adriana Parra
  • Juan Tarazona
  • Paola Rodríguez
  • Giovanni Torres Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


hairiness, absorption surface, height, intestine, digestion.


The study aims to characterize the histological parameters of the small intestine of bovine slaughtered on the plant of Tunja - Boyacá, relating height, width, and quantity of hairiness with the nutrients absorption surface, in order to establish better diets, health and nutritional handling, as well as associate the digestive pathologies most commonly shown in our region cattle. For the study methodology, they were taken random samples of (n = 15) animals slaughtered for a week and taken samples of their small intestine (duodenum) of 1 x 1 cm. They were preserved in formol at 10 % and sent to the pathology laboratory of the National University in Bogotá, where it was applied the hematoxilina-eosina (H-E) staining, included previously in paraffin blocks. Strips were analyzed in the laboratory of base sciences of the Foundation Juan de Castellanos, using a Model microscope with a 10 x increase in the lens. Measurements were taken on millimetres (mm) values. It is concluded that in the observed field there are 4 hairiness with an average height of 0,521 mm and width of 0, 10 mm. As the intestinal hairiness are located close to the cranial portion of the small intestine they were observed more abundantly in each field, longer, more uniform and wider, which increase its internal surface, facilitating the digestion processes and absorption.


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Author Biographies

Diana Ávila

Estudiante VIII semestre Medicina Veterinaria Semillero de investigación Grupo IRABI Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Ángela Niño

Estudiante VIII semestre Medicina Veterinaria Semillero de investigación Grupo IRABI Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Adriana Parra

Estudiante VIII semestre Medicina Veterinaria Semillero de investigación Grupo IRABI Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Juan Tarazona

Estudiante VIII semestre Medicina Veterinaria Semillero de investigación Grupo IRABI Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Paola Rodríguez

Esp. Epidemiología M.V.Z, UPTC Líder grupo IRABI Docente JDC

Giovanni Torres, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Esp. Anatomopatología Veterinaria M.V.Z, UPTC Docente, JDC


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How to Cite

Ávila, D., Niño, Ángela, Parra, A., Tarazona, J., Rodríguez, P., & Torres, G. (2009). Morphometric description of intestinal villi in cattle(bovine). Cultura científica, (7), 56–60. Retrieved from



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