The Sol de Oro Region Terroir and Biotechnology Information


  • Marco Quijano Rico Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga


Information theory, viticulture, Valle del Sol, terroir, quality, wine


Looking at the wine process from a non conventional view point can be useful for a better utilization of the terroir potential. Viticulture can be considered as a form of symbiosis in which success depends on intersymbiot communication. Moreover wine can be taken as a sensory information channel. It is thus interesting to look at the viticultural development as an information transfer process. Wine production becomes then a kind of information biotechnology connecting all concerned actors, from the origin, the terroir, until the destination, the consumer.


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Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga

Ph.D. Científico y viticultor. Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga. Asesor Científico Inicien Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2008). The Sol de Oro Region Terroir and Biotechnology Information. Cultura científica, (6), 4–11. Retrieved from



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