Macro-invertebrate, Functional Groups, Density, Aquatic System, Egeria DensaAbstract
During the last years, the over-exploitation of natural resources at lago de Tota and its watershed have affected the natural conditions of the lake, and thus, the abundance as well as the distribution of the wildlife which inhabits in the place. The aim was to design an evaluation tool of the environmental quality at the lake's shoreline zone, specially the one formed by the Egeria Densa, aspects like density, biomass, and macro-invertebrate functional groups of this plant were studied. The study was complemented by an environmental-variable analysis such the pH, electric conductivity, temperature, and oxygen diluted at 8 areas. An assessment system was designed, applied and validated, which integrates physical, chemical, and biological variables, as well as it consolidates 3 quality categories: low quality (Llano de Alarcón, Piscicol, and Los Pozos sectors), acceptable quality (El Túnel, Pispesca, and Hato Laguna sectors), and intermediate quality (La Playa, and La Custodia sectors). A multiple regression model allowed the valida- tion of the quality categories, with a 66%, at which the macro-invertebrate density was the most significant explanatory variable. This is a tool which provides input products for the permanent assessment of the environmental quality, as well as the environmental management plans of lago de Tota lake.Downloads
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WETZEL, R. 2001. Limnology: Lake and river Ecosystems. Third Edition. Academic Press. United States of America. 1006pp.
WIGGINS, G. 1996. Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera), Segunda Edición. Universidad de Toronto Press, Canada. 504pp
WRIGHT, J., FURSE, M. & ARMITAGE, P. 1993. RIVPACS – a technique for evaluating the biological quality of rivers in the U.K. European Water Pollution Control, 3(4): 15-25.
ZAR, J. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, fifth edition, New Jersey, United States of America: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 947pp.
BRUSCA, R. & BRUSCA, G. 2003. Invertebrates, second edition, sinauer associates Inc., Publishers, Massachusetts. States United. 966pp.
CAÑON, J. 2001. Balance Hidrológico del Lago Tota y Estudio Preliminar del Comportamiento Hidráulico en Lagos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
CLIFFORD, H. 2003. “Aquatic Invertebrates of Alberta. Pictorical Key of Corixidae. University of Alberta, Department of Biological Sciences”. Disponible en
CORDERO, R., RUIZ, J. & VARGAS, E. 2005. “Determinación espacio-temporal de la concentración de fósforo en el lago de Tota” Revista Colombiana de Química. Vol 34(2): 211-218.
CUMMINS, K. & KLUG, M. 1979. Feeding ecology of stream invertebrates Ann.Rev.Ecol.Syst 10:147-172.
DE LA FUENTE, J. 1994. Zoología de Artrópodos, Editorial Interamericana McGraw – Hill, Madrid, España. 950pp.
DOMÍNGUEZ, E., MOLINERI, C., PESCADOR, M., HUVVARD, M. & NIETO, C. 2006. Ephemeroptera de América del sur. Diversidad Acuática en América Latina (ABLA) Vol. 2 Pensoft Sofia-Moscow, 646pp.
ESTEVES, F.A. 2011. Fundamentos de Limnologia. Tercera edición. Interciencia. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 826pp.
FERNÁNDEZ, H. & DOMÍNGUEZ, E. 2001. Guía para la determinación de los arthropodos bentónicos sudamericanos. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto de M. Lillo San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina. .594pp
GUISANDE, C., VAAMONDE, A. & BARREIRO, A. 2011. Tratamiento de datos con R, STATISTICA y SPSS. Ediciones Díaz de Santos. España. 978pp.
HECKMAN, C. W. 2006. Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata – Anisoptera. Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America Springer, Olympia, Washington. 687pp.
HECKMAN, C. 2008. Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata – Zigoptera. Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 725pp.
JORGENSEN, S., LOFFLER, H., RAST, W. & STRASKRABA, M. 2005. Lake and reservoir management. Elsevier (Vol. 54). United States. 502pp.
MOORE, J., BERLOW, E., COLEMAN, D., RUITER, P., DONG, Q., HASTINGS, A., COLLINS, N., McCANN, K., MELVILLE, K., MORIN, P., NADELHOFFER, K., ROSEMOND, A., POST D., SABO, J., SCOW, K., VANNI, M. & WALL, D. 2004. Detritus, trophic dynamics and biodiversity. Ecology Letters, 7: 584–600.
MARGALEF, R. 1977. Ecología. Omega. España. 951pp.
MCCAFFERTY, W. & PROVONSHA, A. 1981. Aquatic Entomology, The fishermen's and Ecologists' Illustrated Guide to Insects and Their Relatives. Science Books International, Boston, Massachusetts. United States. 320pp.
MERRITT, J. & CUMMINS, K. 1979. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America. 420pp.
MILLIGAN, M. R. 1997. “Identification Manual for the Aquatic Oligochaeta of Florida”, Freshwater, Volumen I, Oligochaetes. Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida. Tallahassee, EE.UU. 187 pp.
MONROY, D. 2002. “Variación espacio temporal de la biomasa de los crustáceos planctónicos del Lago de Tota (Boyacá-Colombia)”. Escuela de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.
MUÑOZ, M. & VÉLEZ, I. En imprenta, 2007. “Redescripción y algunos aspectos ecológicos de Girardia tigrina, G. cameliae y G. paramensis (Dugesiidae, Tricladida) en Antioquia, Colombia”. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, Vol. 78 (1). 291- 301.
NOVELO, R. 1997. “Clave para la Determinación de Familias y Géneros de las Náyades de Odonata de México, Parte II. Anisoptera”. Dugesiana 4 (2): 31 – 40.
PENNAK, R. 1989. Fresh – Water invertebrates of the United States. Protozoa to Mollusca, Third Edition. A wiley – Interscience Publication John Wiley & Sons, Inc. United States of America. 632pp.
PINILLA, G. 2010. An index of limnological conditions for urban wetlands of Bogotá city, Colombia. Ecological Indicators, 10, 848-856.
POSADA, J. & ROLDÁN, G. 2003. “Clave Ilustrada y Diversidad de las Larvas de Trichoptera en el Nor-occidente de Colombia”. Caldasia 25 (1): 169-192.
RAYMOND, P. 1990. El lago de Tota ahogado en cebolla. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. Colombia. 109pp.
ROLDÁN, G. 1996. Guía para el estudio de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos del departamento de Antioquia, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, CIEN, Antioquia, Colombia. 217pp.
ROLDÁN, G. & RAMÍREZ, J. 2008. Fundamentos de Limnología neotropical. Medellín, Editorial Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. 442pp.
ROSENBERG, D. & RESH, V. 1993. Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates. EDS., Chapman & Hall. New York. United States. 488pp.
SCHINDLER, D. & SCHEUERELL, M. 2002. Habitat coupling in lake ecosystems. OIKOS 98: 177–189.
SPRINGER, M. 2006. Clave Taxonómica para larvas de las familias del orden Trichoptera (Insecta) de Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol, 54(suppl. 1): 273 – 286.
TOMANOVA, S., GOITIA, E. & HELEŠIC, J. 2006. Trophic levels and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in neotropical streams. Hidrobiología 556: 251-264.
TUNDISI, J. & MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, T. 2011. Recursos Hídricos no século XXI. Ed. Prol Editora gráfica, Camara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil.
WETZEL, R. & LIKENS, G. 1991. Limnological Analyses. Springer – Verlag Second Edition. New Cork. United States of America. 429pp.
WETZEL, R. 2001. Limnology: Lake and river Ecosystems. Third Edition. Academic Press. United States of America. 1006pp.
WIGGINS, G. 1996. Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera), Segunda Edición. Universidad de Toronto Press, Canada. 504pp
WRIGHT, J., FURSE, M. & ARMITAGE, P. 1993. RIVPACS – a technique for evaluating the biological quality of rivers in the U.K. European Water Pollution Control, 3(4): 15-25.
ZAR, J. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, fifth edition, New Jersey, United States of America: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 947pp.
How to Cite
Gil Padilla, L. N., Pedroza Ramos, A. X., & Aranguren Riaño, N. J. (2016). Environmental assessment of the Lago de Tota shoreline based on macro- invertebrated function and structure. Cultura científica, (14), 16–25. Retrieved from
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