Research and innovation Promotion and defense of the regional terroir


  • Marco Quijano Rico Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga


Research, Innovation, Colonial time, Wine growing, Fruit tree growing, Terroir, Tropical cool climate


The presence of healthy and fruitful Mission vines in the region and the analysis of their characteristics, show that they were possibly introduced by competent wine growers in colonial time, probably Jesuits, to Firavitoba in the XVIIth century. The inexistence of an important colonial wine growing could be attributed to the heavy Spanish monopoly and not to natural factors. Successfull later temperate fruit crop growing, introduced from France, confirms the territorial aptitude for growing those crops. Research done in other countries and in Puntalarga, allow the explanation of some aspects of the interrelation biology of those species with local tropical cool climate and at the same time, the understanding of salient features of say climate. Fruit quality can be largely competitive at the international level. Negative appreciations published recently on the subject, are not applicable to a tropical cool climate and lake foundation.


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Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga

Ph. D. Científico y Viticultor, Viñedo & Cava Loma de Puntalarga, Nobsa


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2006). Research and innovation Promotion and defense of the regional terroir. Cultura científica, (4), 35–41. Retrieved from



Article of scientific and technological research