The interaction between microorganisms; soil structure and vegetal nutrition


  • Francisco García Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


Biostructure, bacterial jelly, poliuronic sour, phosphate solubili


The vegetable production depends on the floor, climate, nutrition and handling, among other factors that determine the quality and quantity of the crop. Plants take the elements through their roots individually or by means of symbiosis with microorganism, establishing a relationship through which the other inhabitants of the rhizosphere are affected or benefited. Enzymes, flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, proteins, antibiotics and vitamins that roots and microbes segregate, untie collateral proceedings like organ-minerals particles aggregation, changing the physical condition of the floor at least temporarily. Moreover, in this substance can be caught cations within root's reach. Due to these molecules' deprotonation it also increases up to CIC because it end up free a negative load that can be replaced by a bivalent cation. Exist 17 elements essential the vegetable, without which it cannot complete the life cycle, form organic molecules and constituents and therefore deficiencies appear. This situation also occurs in the rhizosphere organisms affecting the populations; besides, nitrogen and phosphorus require microorganisms to be available for plants. The organic amendments or organic-minerals applied to the floor have three characteristics: they are a mineral source with elements available for the plant, they have a heterogeneous microbial population and a complex of organic molecules, as a result of the decomposition and fermentation. Although they are poor in nitrogen and phosphorus, they are also a source of nitrogen fixers and phosphorus solubilizer microorganisms' UFC, and of others that can also become agents of illnesses if one of the populations surpasses the others.


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Author Biography

Francisco García, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

M.Sc (c) en Ciencias Agrarias Universidad de Colombia, Especialista en gerencia agraria JDC, Ingeniero Agrónomo UPTC, Docente investigador Inicien Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

García, F. (2006). The interaction between microorganisms; soil structure and vegetal nutrition. Cultura científica, (4), 48–55. Retrieved from



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