The red blood cell in numbers


  • Mauricio Boyacá Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


The red corpuscle is a cell from 5 to 7 microns of diameter. it transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues’cells with its small structure by mans of the adhesion of oxygen to the hemoglobin, element whose main component is iron. The red corpuscle also catalyses the bicarbonate formation starting from water and carbon dioxide, product of breathing. so that the latter returns to the lungs dissolved in blood. to be eliminated, maintaining this way cells and tissues viable. These sanguine cells transport such a tiny quantity of hemoglobin that it is measured in picograms (Pg); it only occupies one volume in the space measured in femtolitters (FI). The erythrocyte production happens in the bone marrow of high species as fast as approximately 35.000.000 cells per second, they live 100 days in average and die in similar quantities. These red corpuscles are deposited in the spleen to recycle their components after which the bone marrow will assemble new cells. In consequence, a 450 kilogram-weight animal will have about 300 trillon cells circulating its vascular system.


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Author Biography

Mauricio Boyacá, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Esp. en Laboratorio Clínico Veterinario, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales. Médico Veterinario, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Profesor, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Boyacá, M. (2004). The red blood cell in numbers. Cultura científica, (2), 41–44. Retrieved from



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