Resocialización en el adulto mayor


  • Zandra Liliana Cabra Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


This article raises a study on the description of methods of resocialization in the greater adult demonstrating its potentialities like transforming car of its surrounding world leaving of side preconceptions on the oldness. The reflections that consider in this article, are product of a preliminary study where pilot to three greater adults of different levels sociocultural but pertaining to the same economic layer was applied to a test which they are being member of a group organized of integral attention the Greater Adult, coordinated by a Gerontológica Foundation in the municipality of Duitama a comparative study by means of a method becomes of qualitative and descriptive investigation. It would nevertheless reduce besides to deepen in the investigation to include a comparative study of grandparents with nonperecientes characteristics similar to organized groups.


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Author Biography

Zandra Liliana Cabra, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Directora programa de Trabajo Social, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


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How to Cite

Cabra, Z. L. (2004). Resocialización en el adulto mayor. Cultura científica, (2), 54–58. Retrieved from



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