Ovarian morphometry of females Zebu (Bos Indicus)


  • Ana Sánchez Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


ovarian morphometry, follicle, luteal body.


The study of the ovarian morphometry is directly related to its applications to analyze and interpret the discoveries in the gynecological exams of cows. For this work, 114 pairs of ovaries were gathered in refrigerator, classified starting from the width, thick, long, volume, follicle diameter, diameter and area of the luteal body. A significant difference was observed in the width (1,95cm and 1,83cm) and the volume (7, 26 mL and 6, 23 mL) of left and right ovaries, respectively. As for the size and the volume of the follicles, the diameter and the area of the luteal bodies, there was not an outstanding difference. At the sides it was a positive correlation (p < 0, 01) between the volume of the left ovary and the area of the luteal body. The presence of follicles with equal or higher diameter than 9 mm, the solid and protrusive type of luteal body present in 43,39% of the 53 ovaries, prevailed over the concave type. 26,20% of the 84 ovaries with luteal bodies where extrapolated type. The study concludes that the presence of luteal body, even in zebu cows, it can lead to diagnostic flaws during the exam of rectal palpation to estimate the ovarian activity.


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Author Biography

Ana Sánchez, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

M.Sc. en Ciencia biológicas, UNOESTE Sao Paulo Brasíl, M.V.Z, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. Decana Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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•www.ufrgs.br/favet/revista Pub. 654



How to Cite

Sánchez, A. (2007). Ovarian morphometry of females Zebu (Bos Indicus). Cultura científica, (5), 61–64. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/Cult_cient/article/view/324



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