The pre-contract negotiation: its limits in the “iter contractual”


  • Sergio Carreño Mendoza Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


Negotiation, pre-contractual stage, offer, good faith.


Pre-contract negotiations take a prominent place in contemporary literature. However, its defi nition has not been without controversy. Part of the literature understands the deals correspond to the preliminary stage of negotiations and concludes with the issuance of an offer. In contrast, some others believe that negotiation is assimilated with the pre-contractual stage and therefore extends to the signing of the contract. In this article, we intend to highlight the convenience of tackling the negotiation from a holistic perspective, as process- that fi ts in best measure to business practice. Negotiation is preceding the contract, which starts with the initial approach of merchants; and during it, the parties are obliged to negotiate in accordance with the rules of good faith.


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Author Biography

Sergio Carreño Mendoza, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Pre-contract negotiations take a prominent place in contemporary literature. However, its defi nition has not been without controversy. Part of the literature understands the deals correspond to the preliminary stage of negotiations and concludes with the issuance of an offer. In contrast, some others believe that negotiation is assimilated with the pre-contractual stage and therefore extends to the signing of the contract. In this article, we intend to highlight the convenience of tackling the negotiation from a holistic perspective, as process- that fi ts in best measure to business practice. Negotiation is preceding the contract, which starts with the initial approach of merchants; and during it, the parties are obliged to negotiate in accordance with the rules of good faith.


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How to Cite

Carreño Mendoza, S. (2015). The pre-contract negotiation: its limits in the “iter contractual”. Global Iure, 3, 79–91. Retrieved from



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