Local democratization: contributions from the rural


  • Alonso Moreno Díaz Cooperación Alemana GIZ


Citizen participation, democratic processes, public policy, rural development, territory.


This article is part of the reflection paper presented at the Scientific Week of the Faculty of Law and International Policy held at JDC University in Tunja and has two fundamental purposes: a) To promote a reflection on the relationship between democracy-democratization - rural development – territory to evaluate ways to optimize development strategies and b) show a specific case to promote discussion and facilitate learning. Evaluate the democratic process is a complex task, as it is related to many variables. The history of every society, institutions, past and present power structures; Sustained crisis and its consequences on the development of institutions; technological change and its consequences on the distribution of profits, power and business and social organization; popular struggles, ideology and political style. If the task is to see the relationship between the urban and the rural, the question becomes even more tangled. In this work I just try to outline some of these relationships. I use for this, secondary

material, observations and experiences in the implementation of several projects of the German Technical cooperation in Central America and the Andean Region.

This paper has been divided into three main sections: the first devoted to the review of the concepts and description of the variables involved and their relationships. Then a small part dedicated to discussing some methodological examples to bring the interlocutor how to address the issue and to deepen the thematic components. Finally, a quick attempt to use the framework described, I present a case of the Ecuadorian reality democratization in Orellana Province, a region booming. This has rural characteristics and coexistence of multiple actors in different processes of development, but interdependent, from these descriptions and reflections you try to make a synthesis of factors that favor and impede democratization, both in the province and in its immediate surroundings: Ecuadorian society. Conclusions are made, referring to the urban-rural relationship, trying to answer if there is learning from rural to democratic progress. This task is difficult because the history and logic suggest that democracy has always been from urban and industrial to permeate rural.


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Author Biography

Alonso Moreno Díaz, Cooperación Alemana GIZ

Ingeniero Agrónomo. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Doctor en Economía Agraria. Universidad Técnica de Berlín, Asesor y director de proyectos y programas. Cooperación Alemana GIZ


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How to Cite

Moreno Díaz, A. (2014). Local democratization: contributions from the rural. Global Iure, 2, 33–68. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/giure/article/view/273



Artículo de reflexión