International relations of Colombia, beginning of international law, Political Constitution of 1991, Rules and Principles, constitution and the international relations.Abstract
The Political Constitution of Colombia, better known as the Constitution of 199, deals with several branches of law that up to that moment had only being developed through legal channels, just like it establishes a detailed regulation of the State’s activity. One of these disciplines acquiring a constitutional nuance is international relations, which gains importance due to the scope of the Constitution. It has political pragmatic consequences and judicial ones as well.
Thus, the constituent of 1991 established a few principles and rules of law to be taken into account in the development of international relations. After doing a differentiation from the theory of the constitutional interpretation as for rules of law and principles, it is possible to see how, since the very first title of the Constitution of 1991, a few very important guidelines in the managing of the international Colombian politics, were established in a reduced number of articles.
This essay is intended to show how the constituent of 1991 set a few guidelines in the managing of international relations, where, though it leaves a very large leeway, establishes a few principles that have not always been respected by its recipients when it comes to devise the foreign policy of the country.
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