Obligor, Oblige, Alimony, FamilyAbstract
This article is the result of the need to analyze, a bit more deeply the right of Youngers to receive maintenance in Colombia, in order to determine if the fixed fee is totally guaranteed in the fulfillment of this duty by the obligor. If there is no fixed fee, no charge will be made, and who will be affected will have their fundamental rights broken will just be under-age. For this reason, it is to demonstrate how important is food for children, and taken more than as a right, an obligation; they lose their approach in an important way, bearing in mind that, in order to become a obvious, express and minimum requiered obligation, they must be judicially recognized. Meanwhile, in our country, rates of child malnutrition increase and judicial offices collapse in a large percentage of thousands of alimony processes which are filed daily, with the sole purpose of receiving a court ruling that protects and guarantees fundamental rights of children and adolescents in the country.
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