


Learning, teaching, pedagogy, strategies, motivation


This reflective paper born of the need to recognize the factors that are promoting student motivation in the learning environment in nowadays. Therefore, it was intended to interpret the relationship between the motivational patterns and learning strategies. To achieve the qualitative research was conducted using the method of ethnography by the technique of participant observation to recognize the motivational patterns and learning strategies used by teachers. This allowed the researcher could see and interact with their subject matter. Revealing that this relationship occurs when the student can choose the strategy, then he feels included in the process to make sense of the activities, contrary to when the teacher proposes the strategy because the student feels it is an imposition. Similarly, it attracted attention the fact that teachers use learning strategies of processing and less metacognitive strategies. It was also noted that some teachers use guidelines as individualized motivational explanation, give value to the question and the answer. However, the life project of students is not related to the objectives of the class, in the same way, there is not a feedback about a correct answer or a mistake. In conclusion, it must be more flexible the use of learning strategies by students and it is also necessary to integrate motivational patterns in the classroom according to their constructivist pedagogical model.

Author Biography


MSc. en Pedagogía. Esp. en Salud Ocupacional y Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. 
Química de Alimentos. 


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How to Cite

JIMÉNEZ, L. M. (2014). CASE STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION IN SCHOOL LEARNING. Educación Y Territorio, 4(1), 10–29. Retrieved from


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