children growth, children development, school children, z values.Abstract
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the growth and development in young children of Rodolfo Llinás School in Bogotá. This is descriptive and ecological type study, stratified by age and gender; 2304 subjects, between men and women aged between 5 and 19 years were evaluated; measurements of weight, height and head circumference were taken for the study as variables, and Z values were assigned to each for the analysis, Data were processed in the statistical analysis package SPSS version 21. severe prevalence of stunted growth 0.4%, low size 1.6% and 2.4% of children with low height for their age were found; meanwhile, malnutrition presented a prevalence of 1.1%, equivalent to students in some degree of malnutrition; the prevalence of children mildly obese was 2.5%; moderately obese 1.6% and severely obese 2.7%, for a total of 6.8% of children with some degree of overweight or obese. The prevalence found in this research totally contradicts the findings related to the national survey of nutritional situation in Colombia (ENSIN, 2010). It suggests for future studies to continue using the methodology of Z values, because it is a tool that ensures standardization and a proper assessment of the anthropometric variables.
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