The Pedagogical Practice as the Place to Legitimize Knowledge


  • Isabel Samacá Bohórquez


corporal south, corporeality, context, skills, pedagogical practice.


This text part of a phenomenological conception in the hermeneutical exercise to identify elements of culture as indicators of self-thinking, oriented towards criticism of science, determined by each historical moment as sociocultural foundation to transform society through education and pedagogy, in a bid to cultural reaffirmation in recognition of knowledge of each community in our territory, which involves rethinking the place of the teacher today, which favors the difference and uniqueness within the sphere of the multicultural, to guide the direction of their work, from research, to the challenges of the XXI century. Reading from Latin America, defies world views in relation to corporeality, motor skills and body, how we feel and think the world in the South? It involves inquiry exercises, deconstruction and reconstruction around the construction of knowledge about physical education, recreation and sports. Think education this time, consider school knowledge, configured in pedagogical practice, to understand the current problems, from discovering capabilities according to the individuality of each being, to offer alternatives to searches and directions of the geo-pedagogies focused on territories, new theories, contexts and new problematic of reality.


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How to Cite

Samacá Bohórquez, I. (2015). The Pedagogical Practice as the Place to Legitimize Knowledge. Educación Y Territorio, 5(8), 71–86. Retrieved from



Reflection papers