
  • Lida Yaneth Farías Monroy


professional volunteering, social work, voluntary action, university social responsibility.


The interest to look into this matter is the lack of information about volunteering in Boyacá state, along with the messages on media that generates a series of prejudices around volunteering; it turns people away from the possibility of exercising it, since volunteering is a space of civic participation, which is reached by learning and vocation. Through this document the research process under the methodology of learning by doing is evident, and that since this exercise are précised the conditions of university volunteering to be developed in Juan de Castellanos University,
work carried out from the social work program to perform a diagnosis of volunteering professionally, so, the research question to solve was: How valued is the work of professional volunteers in the Social work program at Juan de Castellanos University in the city of Tunja?


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Author Biography

Lida Yaneth Farías Monroy

Docente Trabajo Social,
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia
Magíster en Dirección Financiera.


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How to Cite

Farías Monroy, L. Y. (2014). VOLUNTEERING, AN ALL AND FOR ALL JOB. Educación Y Territorio, 4(7), 79–94. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/reyte/article/view/130



Reflection papers