
  • Anderson Rodríguez Buitrago
  • William Español Sierra


grandparent, grandchild, peace, intergenerational cooperation.


This article discusses the main results of the research entitled “Intergenerational relations between fifth-graders and elderly adults from “La Ronda de los niños” elementary school in Tunja (Boyacá)”, whose objective was to analyze the relationship as an agent of cooperation, socialization and conflict. there has been an increment of elder people who are earning years to life and that becomes a hit in the world we live, even in some third world countries; the above means that the weight of the population will gradually become more important and in turn this influences older adults to be agents of cooperation and especially contribute in building values, especially the value of peace. It is urgent then to create spaces for cooperation on the children and grandparents relationship in a society facing an irreversible and unique demographic transition process. The methodology used was descriptive transversal. the method of structured surveys, which allowed address the research objective was used to collect information. The results of this research allowed to evidence that intergenerational cooperation is manifested in a variety of functions: they are quite positive relationships with feelings of love and respect for both parties, where grandparents express great satisfaction in the relationship with their grandchildren as they usually don’t have on them the authority and duties of parents and perceive this relationship as freer, less rigid and less burdened with responsibility, where one of his goals is to train their grandchildren as managers of peace.


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Author Biographies

Anderson Rodríguez Buitrago

Docente Facultad de Educación Postgrados,
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia.
Magíster en Docencia e Investigación Universitaria.

William Español Sierra

Docente Facultad de Educación
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia.
Magíster en Administración y Planeación Educativa.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Buitrago, A., & Español Sierra, W. (2014). GRANDPARENTS AND GRANDCHILDREN, AN AREA OF COOPERATION BETWEEN GENERATIONS ON VALUES. Educación Y Territorio, 4(7), 109–124. Retrieved from



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