learning styles, Honey-Alonso questionnaire, Physical Education, cognitive characteristics of students.Abstract
Determining learning styles has been a permanent pedagogical concern. Knowing how each student studies and learns makes educational efforts efficient. For this, the tools of learning styles have been used and are still widely implemented. Nonetheless, there is growing evidence that judge the theory of learning styles in terms of validity and reliability and raise doubts about its potential to design and implement effective teaching processes. The knowledge of the preferences and aptitudes will be used then, not so much to adapt the methodologies and strategies of intervention on the part of the teachers but, to favor processes of metacognition and self-awareness of the learning in the students. The research work was carried out with students of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Education, of the Faculty of Human Motricity and Sports of the Inter-American Open University of Rosario (UAI), acronym in Spanish. It is a comparative descriptive study, using the survey technique, through the administration of an open questionnaire, applied to a population made up by 100 students from 1st to 4th year of the Physical Education career. The instrument used is the Honey-Alonso Questionnaire for Learning Styles (CHAEA), acronym in Spanish. The results showed that the students of third and fourth year achieve a wide perception and reach to reflect about experiences and act accordingly with them. On the other hand, in the first years the students prefer to get involved completely and without prejudice to the situations that arise.
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