The Participatory Action Research As Philosophy of Life of the Critical Intellectual Subject: Some Contributions to the Formation of the College Student


  • Jonnathan Abdul Rincón Díaz


intellectualism, criticism, commitment, action, feel-thinking.


At first, it is proposed to introduce the reader to the historical context which this type of research emerges. Then, it is discussed how the participatory action research, more than a research methodology, is a philosophy of life that commits its actors to the subversion of social order. Finally, it is considered how this type of research fosters in the college student, the feel-thinking of the social problems that affect the world of his/her life.


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Author Biography

Jonnathan Abdul Rincón Díaz

Magister en Filosofía Latinoamericana, Licenciado en Filosofía, Pensamiento Político y Económico Docente Investigador - Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia,



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How to Cite

Rincón Díaz, J. A. (2017). The Participatory Action Research As Philosophy of Life of the Critical Intellectual Subject: Some Contributions to the Formation of the College Student. Educación Y Territorio, 7(12), 109–128. Retrieved from



Reflection papers