dehydration, women, strength, judo, wrestlingAbstract
This study aimed at analyzing variables concerning body composition and strength affected by dehydration methods used to reach the competition weight in sportswomen (19 women). This study took into account two combat sports (wrestling sample: 11 women and judo sample: 8 women) in three different training stages: base, specific and pre-competitive. The assessment tools applied to body composition sizes and strength variables were Inbody 230 and Isocontro 5.0, respectively. Results showed that both wrestling training and judo training in specific and pre-competitive stages were done under water scarcity. Then, the most affected strength variables were: maximum strength and the body composition ones were: weight, percentage of water and body fat. Thus, this research proposed to set some regulations to be applied in reasoned weight loss depending on training goals in order to avoid a disservice to each stage, competition and sportswomen health.
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