poetry, ethics, humanism, Nicolás Guillén, utopyAbstract
Nicolás Guillén poetry is able to sound out the human and its condition. Besides, it portrays witnessed social phenomena. Thus, it is said that poetry leads to an ethical reflection on the human condition in the world. Hence, it has got a two-sided essence. First, as reasoning set depicting the daily horror and violence an individual deals with. Then, a significant and virtuous narrative that may lead to conceive better ways to inhabit the world. This paper analyzes three main Latin American philosophy topics in Nicolás Guillén works: the human deterioration amidst social, politic and economic conflicts, justice need and human reinvidication claimed by each conflict actor and the importance of listening to other narratives presenting ways to cope with horror and abolish it. In general, this article shows one of the results got by the research group: “Ethics and Literature: Narratives on the human. Nicolás Guillén poetry has images that can be useful for Ethics to enquire inhuman actions. It also holds utopian proposals to build up a fair society and ethic criteria concerning more human action and judgement.
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