RESEARCH PEDAGOGY: Problematization of Teaching and Learning


  • Daniel Vega Torres


research pedagogy, epistemic thought, dialogic research, constructivism, research process


From a methodological viewpoint this article proposes a pedagogic reflection on research based on the relationship between research, knowledge production and reproduction. Besides, it also takes a look at the way operational research is being done and the dialogic possibilities derived from the critical and epistemic thought. Finally, taking into account the dialogic thought, it also presents the implications of a social and collaborative research perspective which considers research as a social and collaborative space of experimentation. Then, it is inferred that constructivist pedagogy shows research as a dialogic process focused on practical activities set in a specific context in order to achieve a common aim.


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Author Biography

Daniel Vega Torres

MSc. (c) en Historia. Sociólogo. Docente-Investigador
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Vega Torres, D. (2013). RESEARCH PEDAGOGY: Problematization of Teaching and Learning. Educación Y Territorio, 3(1), 155–172. Retrieved from



Reflection papers