
  • África Calvo Lluch
  • María del Carmen Moreno Hoyos


ballet, dance physiology, physical conditioning, training, dance


The ballet (classic dance) demands are artistic and physiological. Then, it is quite relevant to grasp into its training and performance in order to focus correctly on the rehearsal, auditions and the physical features to be worked on. Accordingly, this research has carried out the compiling of articles related to the ballet dancer physiological and formative concerns, the interpretation and analysis of the main thesis. This article shows the preliminary results of the research on physical conditioning and ballet in order to account for the main tendencies. However, the principal drawback was the lack of literature. So, research done on this issue is presented.


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Author Biographies

África Calvo Lluch

Ph.D. en Educación Física. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España.

María del Carmen Moreno Hoyos

Profesora Honoraria. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla. España.


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How to Cite

Calvo Lluch, África, & Moreno Hoyos, M. del C. (2012). LUDICS AND DANCE: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND FORMATIVE PROFILE OF THE BALLET DANCE. Educación Y Territorio, 2(2), 105–122. Retrieved from



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