A playful proposal for the process of literacy learning


  • Mónica Lizeth Rodríguez Monroy Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón




significant learning, ludic, onomatopoeic method, motivation


From the teaching method of a teacher, it is intended to describe the incidence of itself, on the reading and writing learning of first-grade students; by answering the research question, what is the incidence of the teaching method used by the firstgrade teacher on the literacy learning of the students? Making use of qualitative methodology and with an educational ethnographic design, Strauss and Corbin (2002) were taken as the main reference for the collection of data, allowing to establish that the teacher imparts teaching combining methods and creating his/her own educational didactics, among which, the main reference is the onomatopoeic method and the use of ICT, which has favored the classroom environment and motivated the learning of students, encouraging the inclusion and development of reading and writing skills.


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Author Biography

Mónica Lizeth Rodríguez Monroy, Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón

Trabajadora Social.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Monroy, M. L. (2018). A playful proposal for the process of literacy learning. Educación Y Territorio, 8(14), 13–27. https://doi.org/10.38017/22563989.665



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