multiple intelligences, dominant intelligence, teach, teacher’s beliefs, teaching strategiesAbstract
This article stems from ongoing research aimed to analyze the teacher’s Multiple Intelligences, the relationship with their thoughts and their strategic decision making in the classroom. Based on the great variety of research carried out worldwide since the publication Frames of Mind (Gardner, 1983), it has been widely discovered the relationship that the types of Intelligence have with the way of perceiving knowl- edge and comprehend it within the limits of the immediacy. Even so, the works that have been developed regarding the teacher’s cognitive profile and the connection of their work with their own perception of learning are insufficient. This research is developed under the methodology of mixed approach with dominant status and sequential order quantitative→QUALITATIVE. The present article concludes that the teaching practice must start from the self-reflection as learning beings and the in- terferences that the cognitive profile have within the practice as teachers, necessary action to raise awareness of the teaching methods within the classroom.
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